21. Faculty Legislation II-323: Policies and Procedures Governing Access to Electronic Files Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-870
22. Faculty Legislation II-327: Criteria for Policies for Suspension of the Tenure Clock Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-871
23. Faculty Legislation II-332: Defining Language Describing Hostile and/or Intimidating Behavior Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-872
24. Faculty Legislation II-501: Departmental Personnel Records Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-874
25. Faculty Legislation II-700: Student Freedom Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-875
26. Standards for Honorary Degrees Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-878
27. Evening Midterm Exams Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-879
28. Religious Observances (Academic) Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-880
29. Setting the Tenure Clock Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-881