1. Evening Midterm Exams Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-879
2. Faculty Legislation II-100: Academic Year and Calendar Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-857
3. Faculty Legislation II-101: Collective Bargaining by Faculty Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-858
4. Faculty Legislation II-102a: Diploma Signing Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-859
5. Faculty Legislation II-103: Grading System Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-860
6. Faculty Legislation II-104: Honors Designations at Commencement Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-861
7. Faculty Legislation II-105: Summary Period for Academic Semester Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-862
8. Faculty Legislation II-108: Class Attendance Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-863
9. Faculty Legislation II-109: The Awarding of Posthumous Degree Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-864
10. Faculty Legislation II-314: Misconduct in Scholarly Research Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-869
11. Faculty Legislation II-323: Policies and Procedures Governing Access to Electronic Files Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-870
12. Faculty Legislation II-327: Criteria for Policies for Suspension of the Tenure Clock Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-871
13. Faculty Legislation II-332: Defining Language Describing Hostile and/or Intimidating Behavior Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-872
14. Faculty Legislation II-501: Departmental Personnel Records Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-874
15. Faculty Legislation II-700: Student Freedom Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-875
16. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 1 – The University Faculty Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-801
17. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 10 – Layoff or Termination Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-810
18. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 11 – Summer Term Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-811
19. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 2 – University Faculty Senate Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-802
20. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 – Faculties of the Colleges and Schools Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-803
21. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 4 – The Faculty Divisions Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-804
22. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 5 – Departmental Faculties Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-805
23. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 – Faculty Committees Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-806
24. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 7 – Faculty Appointments Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-807
25. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 8 – Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-808
26. Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 9 – Discipline and Dismissal of Faculty for Cause Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-809
27. Religious Observances (Academic) Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-880
28. Setting the Tenure Clock Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-881
29. Standards for Honorary Degrees Responsible Office: Office of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Number: UW-878