School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) Policy
To ensure that School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) medical students receive due process in the event that allegations warranting disciplinary action are made against them.
Educational Policy & Curriculum Committee (EPCC)
The faculty committee responsible for authoring and oversight of the medical degree curriculum and the program-specific academic policies that govern it and its students.
Student Promotion and Academic Review Committee (SPARC)
The faculty and staff committee charged with monitoring performance of all medical students and reviewing those medical students who fail to meet academic or professional standards or requirements.
Medical students are entitled to a fair, formal, and consistently followed procedure for any action that may affect their status as medical students.
Medical students will receive timely notice if allegations are made against them, including any supporting evidence.
If an allegation results in formal review by the SPARC, the medical student will again be promptly notified.
Medical students have the right to:
Appear at any hearing where adverse action may be taken against them.
Present information relevant to their case, including presenting witnesses.
Question any adverse witnesses.
Decisions by the SPARC will be communicated to medical students as soon as they have been made.
Medical students who receive an adverse decision from the SPARC have the right to request a reconsideration meeting.
Following reconsideration, medical students may appeal an adverse decision to the EPCC.