This policy describes the tuition structures applicable to students enrolled in for-credit courses.
A data-based representation of faculty and governance policy and actions associated with the academic units and academic programs of the university. The relationship of academic divisions to departments, and departments to academic programs, and programs to subject listings as approved by governance. The organization of the university by careers, academic divisions, departments, plans and subplans, and subject listings.
A group of faculty who are not all in the same department but who share responsibilities for departmental functions. This unit exercises a broad range of functions and duties in relation to faculty academic life, and generally houses at least one academic program (degree/major or certificate) or subject listing. A department-like academic unit usually does not serve as a tenure home. When a department-like academic unit is approved to serve as a tenure home, each faculty member’s tenure home will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the University Committee.
An academic organization that has department-like status and serves as a faculty tenure home, sometimes with restrictions, is approved as such by the University Academic Planning Council, the University Committee, and the Faculty Senate per UW-805 Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 5.
The Office of the Bursar assesses tuition for students enrolled in for-credit courses.
Tuition assessment for all students enrolled in for-credit courses is based on the governance-approved academic and tuition structures of the university. The tuition structure, and tuition rate where applicable, for academic programs (plans and subplans) are maintained in Lumen Programs. Tuition structures reflect the type of tuition charged based on factors (e.g., program, program level, residency, credit load, etc.) approved by the UW System Board of Regents or designated authority.
Standard Undergraduate and Special
This common tuition structure applies to most undergraduate and special student programs. Separate rates are assessed for Wisconsin residents, Minnesota reciprocity students, non-residents, and international students. Tuition is charged on a per-credit basis with a plateau between 12 and 18 credits.
Program-specific differential tuitions are assessed for the College of Engineering, the School of Business and the School of Nursing traditional BSN program (plan code NUR 712) which offer academic programs with high operating costs.
Tuition rates are set annually based on a proposal from the chancellor to UW System Administration and the board of regents.
Standard Graduate
This common tuition structure applies to graduate programs such as PhD and research master’s programs. Separate rates are assessed for Wisconsin residents, Minnesota reciprocity students, and non-resident students. Tuition is charged on a per-credit basis with a plateau at 8+ credits.
Tuition rates are set annually based on a proposal from the chancellor to UW System Administration and the board of regents. The state legislature also offers perspectives on tuition rates.
Under certain circumstances master's-level programs or capstone certificate programs may meet the standards for either Market-Based (Service-Based) Tuition or Online/Distance (Service-Based)Tuition as described below.
Profession Specific
Applies to certain professional programs. Separate rates under this tuition structure include Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Health Professions, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Nursing Practice, Nursing (Accelerated), Nursing (Collaborative), and School of Business full-time master’s programs. This tuition structure may include separate rates for Wisconsin resident, Minnesota reciprocity and non-resident students in some programs. While tuition is most often charged on a per-credit basis, a credit plateau exists in some programs.
Tuition is approved on a biannual basis by the board of regents, traditionally in December of even years.
Market-Based (Service-Based Pricing)
Per UW System Administrative Policy 805, Tuition and Fee Policies for Credit Instruction and UW System Administrative Policy 130, Programming for the Non-Traditional Market in the UW System, UW-Madison has the authority to set per-credit tuition, as approved by the UW System president, for programs designed to enhance the professional skills, be responsive to local and national labor markets, or are delivered in non-traditional formats that include accelerated, hybrid face-to-face/online formats, or part-time, weekend or evening formats. For eligible programs, the market-based tuition structure may allow for more competitive market pricing relative to peer and competitor programs and support enrollment growth.
Tuition revenue supports the costs of instruction for these programs. Segregated fees are charged to students; the credit plateau and residency status are not applicable in this tuition structure. Available tiers for this tuition structure are set by the Service-Based Pricing Program Committee.
Online/Distance (Service-Based Pricing)
Per UW System Administrative Policy 805, Tuition and Fee Policies for Credit Instruction and UW System Administrative Policy 130, Programming for the Non-Traditional Market in the UW System, UW-Madison has the authority to set per-credit tuition for online/distance programs if the programs are substantially supported by tuition revenue. These programs must meet the standard for online/distance-delivery (greater than 50% online) to assess online/distance program tuition.
No segregated fees are charged to students; the credit plateau and residency status are not applicable in this tuition structure. Available tiers for this tuition structure are set by the Service-Based Pricing Program Committee.
Standard Guest Resident and Non-Resident
Guest auditors are non-degree seeking students who enroll in all courses for audit. Per Regent Policy Document 4-10, Class Audit Policy, fees for guest auditors are assessed based on residency and are at lower rates than standard special student tuition.
Standard Guest Auditor Senior Special Status
Per Regent Policy Document 4-10, Class Audit Policy, Wisconsin residents 60 years of age or older are eligible to audit a course if space is available in the course and the instructor approves. The normal per credit academic fees are waived as of the first day of class.
Nondegree Cohort
Applies to non-degree programs (career code USPC) with identified student cohorts. Programs with this tuition structure charge students either a rate equivalent to standard undergraduate and special tuition for Wisconsin residents or a rate equivalent to standard undergraduate and special tuition for international students. The credit plateau associated with standard undergraduate and special student tuition applies.
Regent Policy Document 4-10, Class Audit Policy
Regent Policy Document 32-1, Tuition Policy
UW System Administrative Policy 130, Programming for the Non-Traditional Market in the UW System
UW System Administrative Policy 130, Appendix B: Service Based Pricing Guidelines and Procedures
UW System Administrative Policy 805, Tuition and Fee Policies for Credit Instruction
11-05-2020, 04-21-2023, 01-15-2024