Instructors may limit the number of auditors in a course and may restrict participation of auditors. For example, courses that by their nature require participation (seminars, research, laboratory, performance, or language courses) are not applicable for audit status. The following applies to graduate students who audit a course:
- A student must request and receive permission from the instructor to audit a course. The deadline to request the audit option is available on the Office of the Registrar’s Dates and Deadlines site. Late requests will not be considered.
- A graduate student auditing a course is expected to attend classes on a regular basis as an observer.
- A graduate student auditing a course does not take examinations or submit class work, and will receive a final grade of either S (Satisfactory) or NR (No Report). The grade of NR is assigned when a student audits a course and does not attend or drop it.
- Audit courses do not satisfy any Graduate School credit, coursework, or degree requirements, nor do they fulfill minimum credits required for enrollment each term.
- The enrollment system does count all credits in determining maximum credit load. A Credit Overload Request is required if a student’s total credit load exceeds the maximum limit per term, including courses taken for audit.
- A dissertator who audits a course in addition to the 3-credit research requirement will be removed from dissertator fee status and assessed regular graduate student fees.
- Students who have research assistantship, fellowship or traineeship appointments are required to be enrolled full-time; audited courses do not count toward full-time enrollment.
Tuition is assessed for audited courses.