The Graduate School requires a student to have an advisor. This policy explains the consequences of not having one as well as having more than one.
Graduate students pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in academic programs under the purview of the Graduate School.
It is the responsibility of every graduate student to have an advisor. If a student does not have an advisor, the Graduate School may not allow the student to enroll in further graduate study until an advisor is identified. In some cases, particularly for incoming students, the program may assign an advisor.
The advisor/student relationship is one of mutual agreement and may be terminated by either party at any time. A student who changes advisors must notify their program coordinator.
With approval from the program, a student may select a co-advisor/co-chair. The co-advisor/co-chair may be graduate faculty, faculty from a department without a graduate program, academic staff (including emeritus faculty), visiting faculty, faculty from another institution, a scientist, a research associate, or other individuals deemed qualified by the program executive committee or its equivalent. The co-advisor/co-chair will be designated as such on the dissertation documentation.
09-01-2017, 04-26-2023