Summer term differs from fall and spring semesters both in the credit hours that constitute full-time status, and in the tuition charged.
Summer term
The academic year is comprised of fall and spring semesters and a summer term. The summer term begins after the end of spring semester in May and concludes before the start of fall semester in August.
Students enrolled in summer term.
Enrollment Status in Summer Term
Students are limited to course enrollment equal to one credit per week of session with the exception of the eight-week general session which allows for a total of 9 credits. Students enrolled in summer term are considered full-time as follows:
Undergraduate and Special: 6–12 credits
Graduate (non-dissertator): 4–12 credits
Dissertator: 3 credits
Students seeking to enroll beyond the maximum number of credits allowed in summer term must contact their academic dean’s office.
Tuition and Plateau in Summer Term
Students enrolled in summer term pay tuition per credit hour. Students in the following categories enrolled in the following credit hour ranges during summer term, however, are in the tuition plateau and pay a single tuition rate:
Undergraduate and Special: 6–9 credits
Graduate: 4–7 credits
Law: 6–9 credits
Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in summer term are also subject to the summer segregated fee schedule.
Students enrolled in summer term who wish to drop a class and receive a full or partial tuition fund must follow the deadlines established in the session dates calendar.
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