Meetings of the Wisconsin Union Council will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order. The President may appoint a parliamentarian.
There will be no proxy or absentee voting. In the case where a member of Union Council is part of the selection pool for a Directorate position, the right to vote or participate in deliberations pertaining to the selection is waived.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of Union Council will consist of the President, the three Vice Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer of Council. Other members of Council are privileged to attend and participate in Executive Committee sessions. The Executive Committee will set agendas for all Council meetings.
The Council Executive Committee will set agendas at least five days prior to each regularly scheduled Council meeting. To be considered for placement on the agenda, items must be submitted to a member of the Executive Committee prior to the agenda meeting.
The President of the Council, the Vice President for Program Administration, the Vice President for Public Relations and the Vice President for Leadership Development may be relieved of their duties for cause. Upon written petition of five voting members of the Council, the Council will appoint a special subcommittee of the Council composed of five voting members of the Council to investigate charges and determine whether the validity of charges warrant bringing the recall petition to the full Council. In such cases as the recall petition is brought to the Council, a simple majority of the voting members of Council is required for recall with the person under consideration of recall not eligible to vote. Typical grounds for recall would include, but not be limited to, the following: negligence of duty, unavailability to perform job functions as described in the officer job description policy.
Non-Member Participation
Non-Council members or groups wanting to present issues to be considered by Council must submit their requests to a member of the Council Executive Committee before the agenda meeting to be considered for placement on that agenda. The request will be considered with other New Business items and may be scheduled for a later meeting or as soon as time is available.
At a regular Council meeting there will be a limit of three non-member speakers for any proposal from (a), unless Council is asked to consider two sides of a question. Then there will be a limit of two non-member speakers for each position introduced. There is a 10-minute per speaker maximum presentation time for non-member speakers for presentation of the issues.
Policy Administration
Approval Authority:
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union
Policy Manager:
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union -- Mark Guthier,, (608) 263-4463