Wisconsin Union officers, committee directors and the Hoofer Council president may not hold paid positions in the Union department with which their committee or club is concerned.
Union officers, committee directors, Hoofer Council president, coordinators and committee members may not be contracted to provide a service with which their respective committee is involved.
Exceptions may be made by Union Council Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Vice President-Program Administration in situations such as the following:
Where temporary employment is necessary to meet an emergency situation;
In the case of those committees where voluntary service in the operation of the unit is not practicable;
Where the program advisor is not the supervisory staff member of the work for which the student is employed.
Report of actions of Council Executive Committee will be reported at the next Council meeting.
No person may sign a document or contract which will result in a payment or financial remuneration to themselves.
This policy will be incorporated into the annual Directorate training program.
Policy Administration
Approval Authority:
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union
Policy Manager:
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union -- Mark Guthier, mcguthier@wisc.edu, (608) 263-4463