Members of the Wisconsin Union Directorate and coordinators must be students. Union Directorate committees will consist predominately of students but may include faculty, staff, and other Union members. (A student is defined as a person enrolled for credit at UW–Madison.)
Summer coordinators must either be enrolled in the summer session or be continuing students who were enrolled during the spring semester and intend to continue in the fall semester.
In order to allow opportunities for new students to get involved and to discourage students from holding the same office for extended periods of time, there will be a maximum limit of two one-year terms that any one person can serve in the same elected or appointed Directorate committee. Exceptions can be made by the Union Council.
In order to maximize the number of available leadership opportunities, students may hold only one Wisconsin Union Directorate officer, director, or associate director position at a time. In addition, elected Hoofer leaders cannot concurrently hold a Wisconsin Union Directorate officer, director, or associate director position.
The Union Council affirms its position of the importance of students fulfilling the leadership positions of Union-sponsored clubs. At the same time, the Council recognizes that officers of Union-sponsored clubs must be elected according to the provisions of the appropriate club constitution. Students will be encouraged to seek leadership positions.
To balance these interests, all Hoofer Council and Hoofer Club governing boards must maintain a student majority. The Hoofer Club president will provide, on a semester basis, for consideration by the Union Council, a roster of current Hoofer Council members and a listing of the top officer in each of the affiliated clubs. This list will delineate student or non-student status and the length of term in that office.
Policy Administration
Approval Authority:
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union
Policy Manager:
Assistant Director for Program & Leadership Development, Wisconsin Union
Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Wisconsin Union -- Mark Guthier,, (608) 263-4463