To provide guidelines under which the Union Council Executive Committee may take corrective disciplinary actions relating to the performance or behavior of the Union President and/or Vice Presidents in an effort to improve such performance or behavior.
A question or complaint about performance may be brought to the officers or to the Social Education Program Director.The VP-Program Administration(or the President's designee) will investigate the question or complaint. The Union Council Executive Committee shall determine whether disciplinary action is appropriate. Action shall only be taken for just cause and in a timely manner.
The Vice-President (or the President's designee) will notify the person who complained that action was taken. If further action is requested, requests may be forwarded to the Union Council Executive Committee.
Disciplinary actions available to Union Council Executive Committee include Reprimand, Probation, and/or Recall. They are defined as follows:
Reprimand: A discussion followed by a letter including:
Unless circumstances are unusual, a reprimand should always be given in person with an opportunity for the Committee Director or Coordinator to discuss it.
Probation: A written statement from the President outlining a specific time period during which performance will be evaluated on a continual basis.
Recall: A majority vote of Union Council is required to relieve a Directorate person of his/her duties. The Directorate person under consideration may not vote. The Union Council Executive Committee shall recommend recall to Council consistent with these guidelines. The Officers may suspend the person until the next Council meeting.
05-10-1994, 12-06-1995, 05-20-1997