Individuals conducting official UW–Madison business may be exempt from payment of tax depending on their location and the circumstances of the purchase. Any personal use of the university’s tax-exempt status is prohibited.
Note: Sponsored projects (e.g., fund 144 or 133) are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific award, as well as applicable program guidelines, which may restrict use of funds for certain types of expenses. Please contact the RSP accountant for your award with any questions.
The Wisconsin sales and use tax law in s.77.54(9a) provides an exemption from payment of state, county and local tax. The Department of Revenue has issued a tax-exempt number for use by all UW System institutions. Individuals may be asked to provide proof of tax exemption when conducting university business.
Lodging within the state of Wisconsin is tax-exempt when any of the following criteria are met:
Note: Vendors are not required to refund tax if the tax exemption information was not provided at the time of reservation or check-in. Travelers and those who arrange travel for others should make every effort to receive tax exemption, but, if unable to do so, taxes will be paid/reimbursed by the university.
To obtain Sales Tax Exemption in other states, direct payment is required; the purchase must be billed directly to the University and paid for with entity funds (check or credit card). To meet this requirement for credit cards, the University must be solely liable for payment and its name must appear on the credit card. Purchases made with employee funds that are reimbursed do not qualify.
The items or services purchased must be used in conjunction with the University’s regular educational activities.
The required form or documentation for each state will likely need to be presented each time you make an eligible purchase in the state. It is recommended that you bring multiple copies of the fillable form or exemption certificate.
See UW TravelWIse for more information.
Travelers and departmental staff should contact their respective divisional business offices for policy or procedural questions.
Divisional business offices may email with questions.