Source of fund is from an external entity whom the UW will have an ongoing relationship with after the initial receipt of funding | Source of funds could be from an internal entity such as State, departmental, or institutional |
Generally, if money is from the federal government it is a sponsored project | May be funded by multiple sources |
Ongoing relationship usually in one of the following forms:
Generally does not have billing or reporting requirements |
Reporting requirements include “effort” reporting (work performed) | “Effort” reporting may be required depending on funding sources |
Facilities & Administration (F&A) overhead coast are usually charged | F&A is generally not charged |
Has terms & conditions attached | Generally does not have conditions attached |
Time period often extends beyond a year | Time period may extend beyond a fiscal year – could be for a shorter period of time though |
Under certain circumstances, internally funded projects may be treated like a sponsored project because of the imposed terms, conditions or other reporting requirements (e.g. fund 101 projects created by Graduate School) | Gift projects are generally considered a non-sponsored project |
Funds used – 133 (Contracts), 135 (Gifts-WARF), 142-148 (Federal Aid) | Funds used – 136 (General Operations Receipts), 161 (Trust Funds), 233 (Gifts), various other funds |
Usually is in one of these forms:
Represents an organizational unit or reporting entity such as a segment of a school or college | Represents a type of program activity, events, special events or project within a fund that must be monitored and reported independently from the organization |
Should be used for on-going business operations, recurring expenses/revenue | Has a beginning date and generally has a ending date, but could be on-going |
Managed/monitored by a department/division supervisor/manager on a fiscal year basis | Managed/monitored by a project manager/principal investigator either on an inception-to-date basis or on a fiscal year basis |
Keeps track of multiple project ID activity within a department | Allows for reporting across multiple departments and divisions |
Consists of six digits
Consists of seven characters
* as of February, 2008 |
Example 03 = Business Services 01 = Administration 10 = Information Technology48 = College of Letters & Science 83 = Sociology 60 = Science & Technology Studies |
Examples A grant A contract A gift A revenue producing activity like the publication of a journal A conference/seminar A special event |
Project Manager/PI | Identify need and coordinate with department administrators. |
Department Administrator | Work with certified user to edit and/or close project. |
Certified user (at division level) of Project Lite | Verify need and set up new project or edit existing project, if appropriate. Contact Accounting Services, if necessary. |
Accounting Services Staff |
Deans, Directors, and Staff who work with project
A non-sponsored project is a project that is funded by an internal entity such as a state agency, UW institution, or another UW–Madison department that doesn’t have billing or reporting requirements. Examples include an internal project, a state project, a trust fund project, or a gift project. Non-sponsored projects are set up, maintained, monitored, and closed out using Project Lite software, a “slimmed down” version of the PeopleSoft Project Costing Module (part of the UW–Madison Grants Module). WISDM is used to access information entered into Project Lite.
Purchases and receipts against non-sponsored projects fall under the UW System Fiscal and Accounting General Records Schedule.
The retention period for all non-sponsored documents related to purchases and receipts is the fiscal year of creation plus an additional six years for the original record and thereafter destroyed. Duplicate documents should be destroyed when no longer needed. Do not retain duplicates longer than the original record.