Refer to the Purchasing Services Purchasing Agent Commodity Assignment list to identify the appropriate purchasing agent to contact either by telephone or e-mail. Or call the Purchasing Services reception desk at 262-1526. Shop@UW carries items such as envelopes, ring binders, badges, labels, etc. Call 497-4400 for product information.
Digital Printing & Publishing Services (DP &PS) provides copy services for Campus call 262-3461.
Binders requiring printing somewhere on the surface of the binder.
Binding services of books, journals, or other periodicals which are already the property of a university department.
Diplomas/inserts that are preprinted forms and are ordered from an established contract.
Labels, pressure-sensitive sheets, or continuous form labels, printed or plain, from a vendor’s in-stock inventory.
Plastic cards, badges, plaques, signs, nametags, packaging materials, etc., requiring printing somewhere on a surface.
Printing, quick copy/duplicating, photocopying or direct digital printing in which the total cost per transaction does NOT exceed $49.99 and is NOT forms, stationery, letterhead, or business cards.
Printing Purchases
The purchase of PRINTING is governed by Chapters 16 and 35 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Printing over $49.99 must be ordered through Digital Printing & Publishing Services (DP&PS, formerly DoIT Printing) or Office of Strategic Communication. This applies to all printing jobs, including quick copy/duplicating and photocopying.
Using Office of Strategic Communication:
The Office of Strategic Communication works as a service bureau and does higher-end printing jobs from the bottom up, i.e., graphic design, layout, editing, and working with the printing contractor.
Using DP&PS:
If you have camera-ready copy, you may take the job directly to DP&PS/DoIT, which is an actual printing facility. They are capable of completing most jobs on-site and also work closely with printing contractors.
Both offices are the authorized printing purchasing offices and orders to them should be processed on internal requisitions.
Printing funded by student segregated fees only is excluded per Chapter 35.015 (1). This exemption does not include printing funded by tuition or other program revenue fee assessments.
Refer to DP&PS (262-3461) if you have questions regarding a printing purchase.
Books and journals including the stitch, hot glue, or case.
Envelopes, large or small quantity of commercial, catalog, or miscellaneous envelopes, which require custom printing, e.g., return address, invoice enclosed.
Forms with custom printing, including snap sets, snap sets bound in books (single- or multiple-ply), printed continuous data processing forms, carbon interleaved or carbonless (NCR).
Job printing that includes letterhead, envelopes, mailing labels, other cut-to-order pressure-sensitive items, business cards, circulars, brochures, posters, programs, etc.
Job printing (forms) that includes flat forms (single sheets or padded NCR sets) with/without numbering, die-cutting, perforation, or other special features.
Newsprint or other publications produced by web-printing process.
Pocket folders to be manufactured or furnished that require custom printing.
Tab cards (machine) that require custom printing.
Photocopying jobs
Printing-Related Purchases
A Purchasing Services agent will process the requisition following appropriate competitive purchasing procedures. A purchase order will be issued to the awarded vendor.
Printing Purchases
The department should link to DP&PS website for instructions.
The DP&PS will obtain bids or use an existing state printing contract for all subcontracting for printing purchases. A printing purchase order will be issued and the job to the printer. The job will be kept on schedule and the invoice for payment will be audited.
The department will receive proofs to edit, if needed, and be sent a copy of the printing purchase order indicating the expected delivery date of the print order.
Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources: