The decision to have food at a UW event, either on or off campus, presents a number of concerns, including the safe and proper handling of the food, as well as business concerns regarding purchasing and accounting processes and whether the provider has adequate insurance in place. The University has established the following policies as best practices as a precaution against the risk of food-borne illness.
An off-campus catering vendor provides food service for University sponsored programs on property owned or leased by the University, is both licensed and insured, and prepares, transports, set outs and/or serves the food. An insurance certificate with high-risk insurance limits is required.
Catering does NOT include: Food purchased and prepared by University staff or prepared food (pre-packaged box lunches, sandwiches, cheese trays, pizza, cookies, fruit or similar items) purchased from a licensed restaurant and/or catering operation and served by university staff on property owned or leased by the University. Prepared food may be delivered by the vendor or picked up at the vendor’s site by university staff.