For all moves of UW–Madison owned or employee owned property, the individual or Department requesting the move must insure that proper insurance coverage is in place, that the move is authorized, and that all inventory tracking requirements are met.
The purchase of moving services for University property is subject to the rules established under Chapters 16.705 and 16.72(4)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 10 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. Employees may be reimbursed for moving some or all of their personal belongings subject to Wisconsin Statute 20.917 and UW-System Financial Policy Paper #19 (FPPP#19).
For intra-campus small move call Physical Plant Operations Manager (265-5293) or see
For moving contracts call Purchasing Services (262-1147)
For Property Transaction Form call Property Control (262-5351)
For chemical or radioactive materials call Safety Department (262-8769) or see
UW–System Financial Policy Paper #19 (FPPP#19).
Wis. Admin. Code Adm § 10 Contractual Services
Wis. Stat. § 16.705 Contractual services
Wis. Stat. § 16.72(4)(a) Purchasing, duties
Wis. Stat. § 20.917 Moving expenses; temporary lodging allowance