Some services provided by independent contractors represent unique talents needed by the UW–Madison on a temporary basis to fulfill its mission of instruction, research and public service and may preclude the opportunity of competition. The need for a unique service is dependent upon the judgment of qualified professionals in UW–Madison departments.
For those services $5,000 or greater, an Academic Support Services Agreement (ASSA) and Academic Support Services Order (ASSO) must be prepared and signed by an authorized signatory in Business Services. These documents are then sent to the provider by Purchasing Services. For services under $5,000, department users are encouraged to prepare contract documents detailing services to be provided with costs and detailed dates of services.
The following services do not apply:
These specialized academic support services may be provided by an individual professional or group of professionals, a hospital, a school district, a clinic, a business, a non-profit organization or other entity may be available to provide the unique set of qualifications to accomplish the instruction, research or public service mission. Independent contractors may also include instructors, guest lecturers, consultants, athletic event officials and contest judges. ASSAs cannot be used if the provider is a university employee.
Please note: Procedures for services specifically related to entertainment, speaking, instructing and consulting are detailed in UW-3067 Entertainers/Speakers/Instructors and Consultants Contracts.
Academic Support Service Orders are NOT part of any delegation agreement; therefore delegated agents are NOT authorized to issue PO ready requisitions for these services. Delegated agents should submit requisitions and justification or services as in procedure UW-3042 above.
Guidance for Contracting External Services on Sponsored Projects
IPP 31 – Academic Support Services Orders and Agreements