Delegation is a formal agreement between the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Purchasing Services and a University Department that authorizes the delegated agent in that department to process and approve departmental purchases up to a designated amount. There are two types of delegation, full delegation $25,000 and above and limited delegation up to $25,000.
Full delegation is a formal agreement between the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Purchasing Services and a University Department that authorizes the delegated agent in that department to process and approve departmental purchases, regardless of dollar amount, in accordance with all State Statutes, UW Systems and UW-Madison policies and procedures. Some exceptions to this authority exist, and they may vary by department. Exceptions are determined for each requesting department and may include Academic Support Service Agreements (ASSA), service contracts, and governor waivers. The Director of Purchasing Services will determine any exceptions. These exceptions will be discussed with the delegated agent (department) and so noted in the delegated agreement.
Delegation is provided to a specific single individual within a department. It is expected that some Delegated Agents will have support staff that may actually be placing orders and obtaining necessary documentation to support required competitive processes. The support staff is encouraged to likewise obtain training and attend Delegated Agent meetings; however, delegation is typically provided to only a single responsible individual in a department who must assure that the supporting staff is complying with all State and University procurement rules. In exceptional cases where the volume of competitive processes requires a department to have more than one FTE responsible for assuring compliance with State and University procurement rules, additional Delegated Agents may be designated at the Director’s discretion.
The delegated agent must meet or exceed all of the following requirements prior to being given consideration for full delegation:
The Director of Purchasing Services reserves the right to modify these requirements at any time.
The Delegated Agent must meet or exceed all of the following requirements prior to being given consideration for delegation:
The Director of Purchasing Services reserves the right to rescind delegation or modify these requirements at any time.