As one of the nation's leading research institutions, UW-Madison recognizes the importance of providing good stewardship in managing extramural funds.The university’s stewardship responsibilities include complying with federal requirements to certify faculty and staff compensation on federally sponsored projects.
This policy is created to comply with provisions of the federal Office of Management and Budget's Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. § 200) regarding compensation and other relevant sponsor requirements.
All faculty and staff who engage in, or propose to engage in, sponsored projects and all federal and non-federal sponsored projects.
It is the policy of UW-Madison that all researchers who engage in sponsored projects will comply with university policies and sponsoring agency regulations regarding the proposing, charging, and certifying of compensation.
The university is responsible for providing reasonable assurance that salary charges are accurate, allowable and properly allocated. Thus, payroll must be certified for all individuals who receive salary support from federally sponsored projects, or whose salary is provided as cost share on federally sponsored projects. Principal investigators must certify in a timely manner, every six months, salary charges for all employees paid on their federal projects.
Generally, faculty, whether compensated or not, cannot commit 100% of their effort to sponsored projects, as time must be reserved for other UW-Madison duties. For Academic Staff, there is no limit on the amount of effort that can be devoted to sponsored projects. However, allocations of effort to sponsored projects must be reasonable given the individual’s non-sponsored university activities.
The effort devoted to a sponsored project should be consistent with the plan that was proposed to the sponsoring agency and agreed to at the time of the award. Every principal investigator must devote at least a one percent commitment to federally sponsored projects, with a few exceptions. All principal investigators, faculty, and academic staff who are involved in proposing, executing, directing, or managing sponsored projects are responsible for:
Complete information about the university’s procedures for effort commitments and compensation management and reporting can be found in the document titled "Guidelines for Effort Commitments and Payroll Certification Associated with Sponsored Projects." This document is available on the Commitments, Effort and Payroll Certification page of the Research and Sponsored Programs website.
11-01-2015, 07-06-2022
10-01-2015, 06-20-2022