To ensure adherence to the basic ethical and legal principles of informed consent and protection of confidentiality, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) may be used by UW–Madison investigators only after documentation of their provenance has been provided to and approved by the UW–Madison Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee. Documentation of provenance only needs to be provided prior to the first use of the human embryonic stem cells in research falling within the Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee’s purview. Upon approval by the committee, the human embryonic stem cells will be listed on the UW–Madison hESC Registry.
Applies to researchers using human embryos, human embryonic stem cells, or transplantation of human pluripotent stem cells into animals with possible CNS integration or germline transmission.
Human embryonic stem cell lines listed on the NIH hESC Registry are eligible for use on the UW–Madison campus with approval from the Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee. These lines do not need additional provenance review and are eligible for use with federal funding.
This policy may be amended by action of the Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee subject to the written approval of the amendment by the vice chancellor for research.
UW-4026 Human Embryo and Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research
09-25-2013, 01-28-2017, 12-20-2017, 04-24-2019, 09-25-2019, 05-26-2021, 06-21-2024