The use of wire-bottom caging for mice requires scientific justification and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval and should be used for the minimal amount of time necessary to collect experimental data.
Wire bottom cages must be equipped with a resting surface unless there is scientific justification for not providing one and this justification has been approved by the IACUC.
The use of wire-bottom caging for rats up to one year of age requires scientific justification and IACUC approval and should be used for the minimal amount of time necessary to collect experimental data.
Wire bottom cages must be equipped with a resting surface (e.g. solid-surface platform or plastic tube) unless there is scientific justification for not providing one and this justification has been approved by the IACUC.
Use of wire bottom cages for rats over one year in age with or without a resting surface also requires:
Additional scientific justification in the IACUC-approved protocol.
A Research Animal Resources and Compliance (RARC) veterinary-approved monitoring plan for the rats that will be housed on the wire surface including defined endpoints for when the rat would be removed from the surface.