Access to UW–Madison animal use areas must be strictly controlled to minimize health risks to both humans and animals. The following policy is intended to ensure a minimally disruptive environment for UW–Madison animals, to protect the health of persons and animals, to protect the confidentiality and integrity of UW–Madison research, to prevent interruptions to research, and to ensure respect for the privacy and safety interests of UW–Madison staff and students.
In compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, all animal use areas are expected to have policies or standard operating procedures (SOPs) pertaining to animal contact, protective clothing/equipment, and conduct.
Access to animal use areas is limited to principal investigators with active ACUC-approved protocols, individuals named in active ACUC-approved protocols, animal use area employees, ACUC inspection teams, and other UW–Madison employees to whom access is necessary for the performance of their job duties (e.g., physical plant tradesmen). All individuals granted access to animal use areas must abide by the individual animal use area policies and SOPs pertaining to animal contact, protective clothing/equipment, and conduct.
Violation of this policy or any of its parts is also a violation of Work Rule 1A (insubordination, including disobedience or failure to carry out assignments or instructions).
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition)
06-07-2013, 11-06-2018