The purpose of this policy is to define eligibility for hazardous employment benefits for certain employees who sustain injuries while performing hazardous duties as required by Wis. Stat. § 230.36.
Wis.Stat. § 230.36 defines the employees covered by this policy.
An employee within a classification covered under Wis. Stat. § 230.36 who suffers an illness or injury while performing hazardous duties is eligible to claim hazardous employment benefits if the illness or injury occurred during hazardous employment as defined by the statute.
If an employee suffers an illness or injury while in the performance of hazardous duties, as identified in this policy, the employee shall continue to be fully paid by the employing institution on the same basis as paid prior to the illness or injury, with no reduction in accrued sick leave, compensatory time for overtime accumulations or vacation and no reduction in the rate of earning sick leave credit or vacation.
The full pay shall continue while the employee is unable to return to work as the result of the illness or injury or until the employee terminates employment.
In the event that the employee is able to return to full work status, but further medical treatment is required for the sustained illness or injury, benefits shall continue to be granted to cover the treatment time, providing the attending physician has made a prior determination that such treatment is necessary for full recovery.
Eligibility for these benefits is determined by the Office of Risk Management Worker’s Compensation Coordinator, in partnership with Divisional Office of Human Resources Representatives. Claims examination, administration, and the payment of benefits is performed by UW System Administration.
Failure to follow and comply with this policy will result in discipline up to and including termination and may also result in violation(s) of state and/or federal law(s).
09-30-2019, 12-21-2022