The UW–Madison campus leases IP address space from ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers). In turn, the Division of Information Technology (DoIT), as the campus central networking authority, sub-allocates this IP space to campus departments. The resource remains under the technical control of DoIT and is subject to the following policy. Acceptance of IP delegation includes an agreement to this policy.
Address Utilization
When requesting address allocations, departments must provide a plan demonstrating why IP addresses are needed. The plan should show that the requested resources would be utilized 50% or more within a 12-month period. For example, if the customer requests a /24 (256 hosts), the department should provide a plan that shows that at least a /25 worth of hosts (128) would be deployed within a 12-month period.
Auditing of Data
DoIT will perform regular (at least annual) audits of IP address utilization to ensure that the limited IP resources available to the campus as a whole are being managed efficiently. Resources that do not meet policy criteria may be subject to a re-evaluation of utilization expectations or replacement with a more appropriately sized address block.
Review of Guidelines
Review of guideline criteria* will be performed as needed and vetted by the necessary campus groups as determined by the IP Allocation Committee (e.g., Network Advisory Group [NAG], Information Technology Committee [ITC], Madison Technology Advisory Group [MTAG], etc).
Appeal Process
- If a customer allocation request is denied, the customer must be provided with a written explanation stating why the request was denied.
- A denied request can be appealed to the IP Policy Committee which will review the request, explanation of the denial, and customer rebuttal (if appropriate and/or necessary). The committee may request additional analysis and explanation and then will approve or deny the request.
- If denied by the IP Allocation Committee, a request for appeal can be made to the campus CIO's Office or their designated representative. If accepted, the appeal will be reviewed and the allocation request will be either approved, denied, or sent back with specific instructions for review. All decisions by the CIO's Office are final.
*Current guidelines refer only to principles for assessing the allocation of routable IPv4 space. There are also draft guidelines being developed for non-routable IPv4, and the IPv6 team is currently laying out use cases.