Urban trees help to filter air and water, control storm water, conserve energy and provide shade and animal habitat. They add beauty, form and structure to urban landscapes while reducing noise and creating spaces for social interactions. The urban campus environment presents trees with a number of challenges, including limited root and canopy space, poor soil quality, deficiencies or excess water and light, heat pollution, mechanical and chemical damage.
In an effort to minimize additional unnecessary stress on the trees, maintain the health and vitality of the trees and vegetation and minimize personal safety risks for all users, the University prohibits the use and attachment of weight bearing ropes, slings, belts, bands, and assorted other attachments to trees within the boundaries of the campus. However, some installations are allowed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison if the following restrictions are met and followed.
This policy is applicable to everyone who uses campus outdoor spaces on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, including the campus natural areas. Arboretum, Agricultural Research Stations, UW-Extension facilities and other non-contiguous properties are not included at this time.