After reports of excessive entertainment in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes made national headlines, the NCAA appointed a task force to review NCAA rules and practices related to official campus visits and to propose appropriate changes.
One of the adopted changes required every NCAA Division I institution to develop recruiting visit policies that specifically prohibit certain activities.
Before a prospect’s official visit, the University of Wisconsin notifies the prospect of these restrictions. Please understand that although these are NCAA rules, the University of Wisconsin has always and continues to support fully the prohibition of these activities.
The NCAA requires all institutions to prohibit underage use of alcohol, use of drugs or intimate relations, activities that violate criminal law, gambling activities, and adult entertainment on official visits.
If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, then please contact your head coach. Involvement by enrolled student-athletes in the recruiting process may include meeting with a prospective student-athlete during a visit to campus or serving as a student host during a prospect’s official visit.
Please carefully review the following rules pertaining to student hosts:
A visiting prospect may engage in recreational or workout activities as long as the coaches do not observe such activities, the activities are not designed to test the athletic abilities of the prospect, and a student-athlete or prospective student-athlete may not be required to report back to a coach or other athletics department staff member (e.g. strength coach, athletic trainer, manager) any information related to the activity. In addition, no athletics department staff member who observes the activity (e.g. trainer manager) may report back to the institution’s coach any information related to the activity. No UW athletic gear may be issued to the prospect. Please contact the compliance office for sport specific legislation.
Enrolled student-athletes shall not make or participate in phone calls to prospects at the direction of the coaching staff member or financed by the institution or a representative of athletics interests. You may receive calls from a prospect made at the prospect’s expense. You may correspond with a prospect as long as it is not done at the direction and/or expense of the UW.