Transportation Services coordinates with the University System President’s Office to provide parking to governmental guests and University of Wisconsin System officials who conduct official business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
UW System officials and guests.
All-Campus permits are assigned and distributed by the UW System President’s Office.
All-Campus permits are valid at all UW campuses.
All-Campus permits are valid in any designated non-reserved permit stall (stall without a sign) on the UW.
The President’s Office provides UW-Madison Transportation Services an annual sample permit and numbered list of permit holders.
All-Campus permits are not valid in restricted areas, such as: fire lanes, reserved stalls, disabled stalls without a state DOT permit, disabled stall access aisles, loading zones, construction areas, sidewalks, driveways and grass areas. Unless otherwise noted, those parking with permits in restricted areas may be subject to citation or tow at the owner’s expense.
UW-Madison Transportation Services has the right to reserve lots/ramps for event parking on campus. Parking may be sold in advance or at the lot entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. Lots restricted for an event will be posted at the lot entrance and/or at UW Transportation Services website.
Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources: