The purpose of the athletic grant-in-aid program at UW–Madison is to ensure that financial assistance to the student-athlete is in accordance with the regulations of the NCAA, Big Ten, and WCHA conferences, and the primary educational values of the university with the standard towards achieving a single, undergraduate degree. To receive financial assistance from the Athletic Department is a privilege that student-athletes earn not only on the playing field, but also in the classroom. The grant-in-aid is awarded to make this dual commitment possible. The value of the program resides in its capacity to permit student-athletes to meet the university’s academic expectations while encouraging participation in an intercollegiate sport.
This policy applies to student-athletes.
Course schedules will be sent to the UW Book Store for packaging prior to the start of the semester. Students will receive two emails from the book store. The first will be notification their books are being packaged. Students should wait until they receive a second email with notification their books are ready for pick up. If digital materials are available through the book store, students will receive a separate email with that information.
If the UW Book Store does not have a book/materials required for a course, the student-athlete may purchase the book(s)/materials and then be reimbursed. Requests for reimbursement are to be submitted through ARMS. In order to be reimbursed, the student-athlete will need to provide the purchase receipt and proof of course requirement (i.e., course syllabus). If the book is not listed as required on the syllabus, then the student-athlete will not be reimbursed for the purchase of the textbook(s).
Student-athletes are encouraged to return all textbooks to the University Book Store, in which student-athletes will receive buyback value (cash) for their returns.
Student-athletes may elect to keep textbooks to serve as study aides or reading materials for future courses, their major/program, etc., but cannot sell or exchange the textbooks for anything of value or give/loan the textbooks to other students or student-athletes.
If a student-athlete drops a course they received a book for, it will need to be returned to the UW Book Store as soon as possible along with the receipt they received when originally picking their books. Failure to return dropped course books may result in a student’s tuition account being charged for the book(s).
Student-athletes whose athletic financial aid is reduced, non-renewed, or cancelled in accordance with NCAA and Big Ten Conference rules may appeal the decision pursuant to the following process. A student-athlete may discontinue his or her appeal prior to the final step by notifying the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA).
After the decision to reduce, non-renew, or cancel a student-athlete’s athletics aid the student-athlete will receive a letter and an email from the OSFA officially notifying the student-athlete of the reduction, nonrenewal, or cancellation of athletics aid. The student-athlete must contact the Director of the Office of Student Financial Aid or their designee in writing within 14 calendar days of the date of issue on the letter or email to officially state the student-athlete’s intention to appeal the decision.
The student-athlete may appeal the athletic department’s decision to the institution’s Faculty Athletic Representative(s). Appeals to the Faculty Athletic Representative(s) will be conducted as follows.
The student-athlete may appeal the Faculty Athletic Representative(s) decision to the OSFA Review Committee. The student-athlete must notify the Director of the OSFA or her designee within two business days of the Faculty Athletic Representative(s) decision of the student-athlete’s intention to appeal to the OSFA Review Committee.