A six (6) day maximum of classes missed per semester. The policy was adopted by the Academics and Compliance Committee of the Athletic Board (ACC) to address student-athlete academic concerns. The policy rules apply to both team and individual sports.
Following approval of each sport’s schedule, the Chair of the ACC will provide written notification to the head coach of the approval with the stipulation that no student-athletes with less than a 2.5 GPA may miss more than six missed class days each semester.
Competition schedules are submitted by the coaches to the Sport Administrator for initial review [per 9/13/94 Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) mtg.] The schedules are then forwarded by the Sport Administrator to the Compliance Office for ACC review. If a schedule meets Schedule Policy guidelines (outlined below) it is brought to the ACC for automatic approval. If the proposed schedule does not adhere to the Schedule Policy, the ACC must give final approval to all schedules.
The Academics and Compliance Committee (ACC) of the Athletic Board grants the Chair the ability to make time-sensitive, routine competition schedule decisions. Routine scheduling decisions include competition schedules that do not violate the missed class policy, the American Indian mascot policy, or one-for-one contest substitutions that do not increase the number of previously approved missed class days. The Chair will report back to the committee at the next ACC meeting any schedule decisions made under this procedure.
Original version: March 7, 1997 (approved by Athletic Board), revised May 6, 2009