The academic staff of each school, college, or division will establish a Committee on Academic Staff Issues, which will advise the dean or director on the formulation and review and will be represented in the development of all policies and procedures concerning academic staff members of the school, college or division, including personnel matters. School, college, or division policies and procedures will comply with UW-Madison Academic Staff Policies and Procedures and other campus policies and procedures governing academic staff.
The process of selection will foster representation of all academic staff within the school, college, or division.
Procedures for nomination or election of academic staff members or changes thereto will be approved by the school, college, or division academic staff and be transmitted to the Academic Staff Executive Committee.
Academic Units: Agricultural and Life Sciences Business Continuing Studies Education Engineering Graduate School Human Ecology Institute for Environmental Studies International Studies and Programs Law Letters and Science Medical School Nursing Officer Education Pharmacy Veterinary Medicine |
Administrative Units: General Services and Educational Administration (includes the following Bascom Hall Offices: Chancellor’s Office, News and Public Affairs, Provost’s Office, Office of Quality Improvement, Secretary of the Faculty, Secretary of the Academic Staff, Outreach, Legal and Executive Affairs, Equity and Diversity Resource Center, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Human Resources, Office of Budget and Planning and Analysis, and Auxiliary Services) Academic Services Athletics Business Services Dean of Students Division of Information Technology Facilities Planning and Analysis Housing Hygiene Laboratory Library Recreational Sports Security Wisconsin Union |