This policy is for identifying and managing conflicts of interest (COI) of Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) members and consultants that may affect or appear to affect their contributions to protocol review, facility inspections, the suspension or termination of animal activities or privileges, or other ACUC-related activities. Federal regulations under the Animal Welfare Act (9 C.F.R. § 2.31(d)(2)) provide: "No [ACUC] member may participate in the IACUC review or approval of an activity in which that member has a conflicting interest (e.g., is personally involved in the activity), except to provide information requested by the IACUC, nor may a member who has a conflicting interest contribute to the constitution of a quorum." Similarly, the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Section IV.C.2) provides: "No [ACUC] member may participate in the IACUC review or approval of a research project in which the member has a conflicting interest (e.g., is personally involved in the project) except to provide information requested by the IACUC; nor may a member who has a conflicting interest contribute to the constitution of a quorum."
A voting member with a conflict of interest (COI) as determined by this policy does not count towards quorum for voting on the conflicted matter.
02-01-2013, 06-07-2013, 06-12-2015, 10-02-2018