11.01. Contents
11.02. Access
11.03. Modification of the Personnel File
11.04. Confidentiality and Security
11.05. Retention
A personnel file for each academic staff employee shall be maintained by the employing department or unit. It shall contain only that information relevant to the employee's status and performance as an employee and to the commitments made to and by that employee, i.e., only that information which the university is required to know for the performance of valid and necessary university functions. The employee shall have the right to append signed personal statements to any material in this file concerning its accuracy, relevance, or applicability. Other information may be included (see 11.01.C below). Note that some personnel records may exist that are not considered part of the personnel file (see 11.01.B below).
The personnel file is not necessarily a single physical entity and may include electronic records. Collectively, these documents constitute the personnel file. Academic staff members are encouraged to review their personnel files periodically.
Some personnel records are excluded from the personnel file by law, regulation, or policy.
Among these are the following:
Other records may exist for an employee, such as payroll and benefit information, family and medical leave, and sick-leave and vacation balances. An academic staff employee is advised to seek these records, if needed, from the appropriate office.
Wisconsin Open Records Law contains an express “presumption of complete public access, consistent with the conduct of governmental business” (Wis. Stats. 19.31). The law further provides that access may be denied only in an exceptional case or when required by law. See also 11.04.
A document may be modified or removed from a personnel file by mutual agreement of the employee and supervisor, subject to the provisions of Wis. Stats. 103.13(4). However, if an employee considers any document in the file to be inaccurate, irrelevant, or inapplicable, and wishes it to be modified or removed without such mutual agreement, the employee may file a grievance (ASPP 7). If such a grievance is upheld, the document shall be modified or removed.
Persons collecting, maintaining, or obtaining personnel data are responsible for respecting the confidentiality of and maintaining the physical security of this information. Special security procedures may be necessary for electronic records. The only exceptions made to this policy shall be in response to a request submitted under open records laws.
The personnel file will be retained per the General Records Retention Policy and Schedule for University of Wisconsin System for Human Resources records. Following the retention period, the personnel file is either destroyed confidentially or transferred to the University Archives for permanent preservation. See the University Records Management Program website for specific record schedules. If an employee takes a position in a new department or unit, the personnel file remains in the former department. However, an employee who takes a new academic staff position may have copies of the personnel file records from a previous academic staff position placed in the personnel file required for the new position upon request.
UW-701 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 1 – Coverage and Definitions
UW-702 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 2 – Academic Staff Appointments
UW-705 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 5 – Layoff for Reasons of Budget or Program
UW-706 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 6 – Discipline and Dismissal
UW-708 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 8 – Complaints Against Academic Staff Members
UW-709 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 9 – Academic Staff Appeals Committee
UW-710 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 10 – Performance Reviews
UW-713 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 13 – University Academic Staff Assembly
UW-714 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 14 – Committees of the University
UW-715 Academic Staff Policies and Procedures: Chapter 15 – Academic Freedom