The university recognizes that participation in student organizations constitutes an integral aspect of the living-learning environment, and it expects that students will adhere to high standards of behavior while participating in Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). This policy helps protect the rights of RSOs while making sure organizations and the students acting on their behalf are held accountable to their members, the university community, and the community-at-large.
Registered Student Organizations.
Section I: Jurisdiction
Section II: Organizational Rules of Conduct
Section III: Registered Student Organization Rights through the Registered Student Organization Disciplinary Process
Section IV: Sanctions
RSOs are expected to abide by the following rules. These rules should be read broadly and are not designed to define prohibited conduct in exhaustive terms. The prohibited conduct outlined in the section applies to RSO behavior and will not be used to impose sanctions for the lawful expression of ideas. The rights of all students to seek knowledge, debate, and freely express their ideas is fully recognized by the university. Any violation of the following regulations by an RSO may result in disciplinary sanctions against the organization.
Conduct that could constitute a violation of any local, state, or federal law, including violations of City of Madison Ordinances and Regulations.
Failure to comply with UW-Madison, UW System Administrative, or UW System Board of Regents policies including, but not limited to, the use of university facilities and grounds, fleet vehicles, electronic information technology, and facility reservation contracts.
Any action, or situation, which intentionally or recklessly endangers the mental, physical, emotional, or psychological health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.
Hazing includes but is not limited to:
Any violation of UW-146 Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.
The following rights shall be afforded to an RSO during the Registered Student Organization Disciplinary Process and shall be provided to the RSO in writing when they are charged with violations of the Organizational Rules of Conduct. RSOs have a right to:
An official warning that a Registered Student Organization (RSO) is in violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct and any future misconduct by the RSO may result in a more serious disciplinary response from the university.
A period of time during which a Registered Student Organization is permitted to remain registered and have access to RSO privileges and benefits upon the condition that it complies with the Organizational Rules of Conduct. Restrictive conditions may be imposed as part of Disciplinary Probation and will vary depending on the severity of the incident. Violation of Disciplinary Probation requirements shall be grounds for further sanctions up to and including Termination. All assigned Educational Sanctions must be completed prior to the conclusion of Disciplinary Probation; otherwise, the Disciplinary Probation will remain in effect until the Educational Sanctions have been completed and approved by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS). Disciplinary Probation may be reviewed by OSCCS for an early lift after half of the assigned period is served.
A temporary loss of an RSO’s privileges and benefits for a specified period of time, not to exceed four years from the decision date. The purpose of Suspension is to provide a focused opportunity for an RSO to address issues that led to its violation(s) while limiting the day-to-day organizational activities of the group. The terms of Suspension include, but are not limited to, ceasing all organizational activity except for one executive board meeting per week. This includes not cosponsoring activities or coordinating with other RSOs. The Dean of Students or the Director of OSCCS, or their designees, may allow additional organizational activity that would assist in the RSO’s development. Additional violations of the Organizational Rules of Conduct while under Suspension may lead to Termination. Notices of Suspension will be sent to campus service providers (e.g., reservations offices, funding providers). Unless an RSO has a period of Disciplinary Probation following its Suspension, all assigned Educational Sanctions must be completed prior to the conclusion of Disciplinary Suspension; otherwise, the Disciplinary Suspension will remain in effect until the Educational Sanctions have been completed and approved by OSCCS.
The revocation of a student organization's status and privileges. Terminated organizations are required to cease operations and disband as a Registered Student Organization. If a terminated student organization petitions for reinstatement as an RSO, all post-termination behavior may be considered in the reinstatement review process.
An official request to a Registered Student Organization’s national or international office that the local chapter’s charter be revoked.
In conjunction with a sanction listed above, an RSO may be assigned educational requirements. These types of sanctions are intended to provide an RSO with opportunities to repair the harm of their actions and to engage in experiences that will help the RSO to reflect on the behavior and assist in avoiding future violations of university policy. Educational Sanctions include, but are not limited to, workshops, trainings, performance improvement plans, community service, and restitution or restorative acts. If the RSO has any outstanding (overdue) Educational Sanctions at the end of their Disciplinary Probation or Disciplinary Suspension, the Probation or Suspension status will remain in effect until such time that all requirements are met and approved by OSCCS.
Amnesty Through Responsible Action
Registered Student Organization Benefits
Registered Student Organization Disciplinary Appeal Process
Registered Student Organization Disciplinary Process
Registered Student Organization Disciplinary Probation Review Process
Registered Student Organization Reinstatement Process
Chapter 961, Wis. Stats., “Uniform Controlled Substances Act”
Regent Policy Document 14-6, Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
Regent Policy Document 30-06, Recognition of Student Organizations
Wis. Admin. Code § UWS 14, Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures
Wis. Admin. Code § UWS 17, Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures
2003, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2019, 01-01-2022, 08-13-2024