To support the competitiveness of our graduate programs and to allow our graduate students to benefit from the greatest number of prestigious fellowships and traineeships funded by gifts and grants.
Fellows and Trainees.
All National Institutes of Health (NIH) institutional (T32 and TL1) and individual (F30 and 31) National Research Service Awards, as well as T15 tuition, fees, and fringe benefits not paid by the external agency, will be fully supplemented by the Graduate School. National Science Foundation Research Training Groups' tuition, fees, and fringe benefits not paid by the National Science Foundation will be supplemented by the Graduate School. Predoctoral students must be appointed to the “Trainee” title in the Human Resource System.
National Science Foundation research training tuition, fees, and fringe benefits can be requested from the agency and therefore will not be supplemented by the Graduate School. Predoctoral students appointed to these funding mechanisms should be titled “Trainee” in the Human Resource System.
For other external training grants, contact the Graduate School at the time of proposal to determine the appropriate tuition budget request, appointment type, and supplementation requests.
All internal fellowships (university fellowships, Advanced Opportunity Fellowships, Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships) will be granted remission of the non-resident portion of tuition. The resident portion of the tuition and fees will be paid by the fellowship. These students should be titled "Fellows" in the Human Resource System with the exception of Advanced Opportunity Fellows, who should be titled "Advanced Opportunity Fellow" in the system.
06-01-2021, 08-05-2021