Chapter 6 – Faculty Committees
6.01. Faculty Committees
6.02. Shared Governance Committees
6.04. Other Committees Concerned with Academic and Educational Activities
6.05. Selection of Members for Committees
6.06. Election of Faculty to Committees
6.07. Terms of Office
6.08. Committee Chairs
6.09. Committee Reports, Records, Recommendations, and Policies
6.10. Meetings
6.12. Appeal From and Review of Committee Decisions
6.25. Budget Committee
6.26. Athletic Board
6.27. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee
6.28. Campus Planning Committee
6.30. Campus Transportation Committee
6.31. Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion
6.32. Committee on Committees
6.36. Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency
6.38. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, Committee on
6.40. LGBTQ+ Committee
6.41. Honorary Degrees, Committee on
6.42. Information Technology Committee
6.43. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee
6.44. Lectures Committee
6.46. University Libraries Committee
6.47. Officer Education Committee
6.48. Recreation and Well-Being Advisory Board
6.50. Retirement Issues Committee
6.51. Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid, Committee on
6.52. University Academic Planning Council
6.53. University Curriculum Committee
6.54. The University Committee
6.56. Women in the University, Committee for
6.57. Dean of Students Advisory Committee
6.59. University Research Council
6.60. Health Care Advisory Committee
6.61. Immigration and International Issues Committee
6.01. Faculty Committees.
- The term “faculty committee” as used in this chapter applies only to committees established by the faculty or the Faculty Senate and does not apply to committees created by the chancellor, by deans, or by others. Faculty committees subject to the provisions of this section may be called committees, boards, or commissions.
- A faculty committee reports to the faculty through the University Committee and/or the Faculty Senate.
- A majority of the voting members of a faculty committee must be members of the university faculty who do not hold administrative appointments of one-half time or more beyond the level of a department or program.
- Actions taken by a faculty committee when the faculty members present do not constitute a majority must be approved either at the next meeting of the committee at which the faculty members constitute a majority or through other procedures established by the committee such as a mail ballot.
- Persons not members of the university faculty may serve on faculty committees when appropriate. In particular, provision may be made for representation from the academic staff, university staff, students, and administrative bodies.
- The faculty or Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority, may provide for the selection of committee members; the scope of their authority; the rules and regulations for their proceedings; and the form in which the committee’s work should be reported.
- Ad hoc faculty committees established by the faculty, Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority are subject to the general provisions of this chapter.
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6.02. Shared Governance Committees.
- Shared governance committees” are committees established in conjunction with academic staff, university staff, and/or student government to address issues of common concern which are not the primary responsibility of the faculty.
- A shared governance committee reports to the faculty through the University Committee and/or the Faculty Senate and to other establishing authorities in accordance with their rules.
- The rules of the establishing authorities may provide for the selection of committee members; the scope of their authority; the rules and regulations for their proceedings; and the form in which the committee’s work should be reported
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6.04. Other Committees Concerned with Academic and Educational Activities.
- The faculty, Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority may establish committees that are not faculty committees as defined in 6.01. or shared governance committees as defined in 6.02. All committees established in this chapter shall be referred to as Chapter 6 committees.
- When a committee established by the faculty, Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority that is not subject to the provisions of 6.01. considers issues related to academic matters, decisions shall be restricted to a subcommittee consisting of the faculty members of the committee. Decisions of the faculty subcommittee about academic matters cannot be overturned by the full committee. Disputes about identifying issues as academic shall be resolved by the University Committee
- Ad Hoc Committees are working groups established to focus on a targeted purpose for a set duration of time. If the objectives and responsibilities of an ad hoc committee affect one or more shared governance groups, the appointing authority shall apply shared governance principles to the membership and functions of the committee. To ensure observance of shared governance principles, the appointing authority shall consult with the relevant group(s) prior to charging or appointing any ad hoc committees. Disputes as to whether an ad hoc committee should be deemed to be shared governance in scope shall be resolved by the University Committee, after appropriate consultation with the Academic Staff Executive Committee, the Central Committee, and/or Associated Students of Madison. The University Committee’s decision may be appealed to the Faculty Senate.
- Search and Screen Committees for the position of academic vice chancellor/provost or college/school dean shall follow full shared governance principles as expressed in 6.04.C.
- Membership. When a vacancy in one of the aforementioned administrative roles occurs or is anticipated, a search and screen committee shall be appointed by the chancellor or authorized hiring authority and shall consist of:
- A faculty majority, as defined in 6.01.C., appointed after consultation with the University Committee.
- Administrators, academic staff, university staff, and students.
- A chair designated by the chancellor or authorized hiring authority from among the faculty majority.
- Functions. It is the function of the committee to determine and supply to the chancellor or authorized hiring authority an unranked list of acceptable candidates for the vacant position. It is not necessary that the committee ascertain whether each candidate on the list would accept the position if it were offered. Upon request, the committee shall also report to the chancellor or authorized hiring authority and to the University Committee on the manner in which it conducted its deliberations.
- Further Actions. If none of the slate of candidates recommended is acceptable to the chancellor or authorized hiring authority and the Board of Regents, or if all acceptable candidates decline, the committee may be requested to submit a new list of acceptable candidates, or a new search and screen committee may be appointed.
[Procedures for the selection of the chancellor conform to Regent policy.]
- Committees concerned with Academic and Educational Activities.
Appropriate faculty bodies shall be consulted before other committees concerned with academic and educational activities are established.
- The appropriate body for campus-level consultation is the University Committee, and the appropriate bodies for school- and college-level consultation are the school or college academic planning councils.
- Faculty members serving on campus-level committees established under the provisions of 6.04.E. should be selected in consultation with the University Committee.
- Such committees should not normally be established if there is a faculty committee or a committee established by the faculty whose responsibilities cover the academic and educational matters of concern.
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6.05. Selection of Members for Committees.
- Unless other provision for selection is made, the Committee on Committees appoints faculty members of Chapter 6 committees, after such consultation with the chancellor or provost as may be appropriate.
- Representatives of the academic staff on Chapter 6 committees shall be selected according to procedures established by the academic staff governance system.
- Representatives of the university staff on Chapter 6 committees shall be selected according to procedures established by the university staff governance system.
- Representatives of the students on Chapter 6 committees shall be selected according to procedures established by the recognized student governance organization.
- An ex officio member of a Chapter 6 committee is a full member of that committee, with the right to participate and vote, unless legislation specifies otherwise.
- The chancellor is an ex officio member of all Chapter 6 committees other than the Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency, the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits, the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, and the University Committee. This ex officio membership shall be without vote unless other provision is made.
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6.06. Election of Faculty to Committees.
- Faculty members on Chapter 6 committees to be chosen by election are elected by the university faculty.
- Persons who hold administrative appointments of one-half time or more beyond the level of a department or program are not eligible for election to faculty committees.
- Unless otherwise provided, nominations for Chapter 6 committee positions that are to be filled by faculty election are made by the Committee on Committees. In addition, any member of the university faculty may nominate an eligible candidate at the meeting of the senate in February at which the Committee on Committees reports.
- Primary elections are to be held for those committees for which there are more than twice as many nominees as vacant positions to be filled, in order to reduce the number of nominees to twice the number of positions to be filled. The primary elections are to be scheduled at the time of the regular senate meeting in March.
- Regular annual elections to faculty committees are to be scheduled at the time of the regular senate meeting in April. For annual elections, the ballot for each committee shall list twice as many eligible nominees as vacancies to be filled in the election.
- Election are managed electronically.
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6.07. Terms of Office.
- With the exception of the University Committee, or unless otherwise specified, faculty committee members serve during the academic year.
- The appointing authority may extend the specified term for one year to avoid too great a turnover of committee members in a single year or to facilitate work in progress.
- Unless otherwise specified, committee members may serve at most two consecutive terms or five consecutive years, whichever is greater.
- Unless otherwise specified, terms of committee members shall be staggered to the extent possible.
- A vacancy in an elective committee position is to be reported by the chair of that committee to the secretary of the faculty.
- If circumstances warrant, and upon consultation with the committee concerned, the University Committee shall appoint an appropriately qualified replacement to fill the vacancy until a faculty member is elected at the next annual election to complete the unexpired term. The Committee on Committees will provide input if the vacancy is for the University Committee.
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6.08. Committee Chairs.
Unless otherwise specified, chairs of all Chapter 6 committees shall be faculty members. The chairs of all elected faculty committees are chosen by the members of the respective committees unless other provision is made. The chairs of all appointed Chapter 6 committees shall be designated by the authority appointing the faculty members unless other provision is made. Committees that elect their own chair shall do so on the call of the outgoing chair.
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6.09. Committee Reports, Records, Recommendations, and Policies.
- All Chapter 6 and ad hoc faculty committees shall report to the University Committee in writing at least annually. These reports shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate for its information. There shall be an opportunity for senators to ask questions regarding these reports. If a committee includes academic staff and/or university staff and/or student representatives, then the represented governance bodies shall also receive copies of the report.
- All Chapter 6 and ad hoc faculty committee records and reports are official university records, and they may not be destroyed or discarded without the consent of the university archivist. When chairs of faculty committees wish to be relieved of files, they shall transfer all material to the university archives under any appropriate or desirable restriction of use consistent with state and federal laws. When the chair of a faculty committee changes, the outgoing chair shall transfer active files and other appropriate information to the new chair.
- If a committee makes a recommendation or proposes a resolution for action by the Faculty Senate, the vote of the faculty members on the committee on the recommendations or proposed resolution shall be reported to the Faculty Senate along with the total committee vote.
- A committee may seek changes to its charge by presenting a proposal to the University Committee.
- Chapter 6 committees shall maintain a written statement of policies and procedures.
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6.10. Meetings.
- A faculty committee meets at the call of its chair. A meeting may also be called at the request of a simple majority of members of the committee.
- Electronic Meetings. The committee chair or committee by majority vote may determine that a meeting of the committee shall be held entirely or partially by electronic or other communications means so long as the electronic or other communications facilities provide for simultaneous aural communication among all members equivalent to those held in one room or area. These electronic meetings of the committee shall be subject to all rules adopted by the committee to govern them, which may include any reasonable limitations on, and requirements for, committee members’ participation. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting and votes taken at such a meeting fulfill any requirement that a vote be cast.
- Faculty should be familiar with and follow the university’s open meetings and open records policies, which will also be communicated to committee chairs as part of the committee confirmation letter.
- Meeting agendas should be prepared and distributed in a timely manner by the chair (in conjunction with any committee staff assigned to the committee). Specific rules governing meeting agendas will be communicated to the chair as part of the committee appointment letter.
- Quorum rule: For the purposes of this chapter, a quorum exists when a majority of the voting members of a committee is present.
- Minutes: Will be taken and retained for the meetings of all committees. Guidelines for minutes will be included in committee appointment letters to chairs. Outgoing chairs should give committee documents to the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty to pass on to the next chair.
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6.12. Appeal From and Review of Committee Decisions.
- Except as otherwise specified, when these rules delegate authority to a faculty committee to take action without specific senate approval, the affected person or persons may appeal the committee action to the University Committee.
- Except as provided in 6.12.D., whenever these rules authorize a committee to take action or recommend action to the administration without prior approval by the senate, if one-third or more of the faculty members of the committee believe that contemplated action is of sufficient importance that it merits consideration by the University Committee or the Faculty Senate, they, or the chair of the committee, shall report this to the University Committee, which shall consult with those faculty members, the committee chair and other appropriate persons. After such consultation, the University Committee may take such action as it considers proper, including submission of the matter to the Faculty Senate.
- If a matter has been reported to the University Committee under the provisions of 6.12.B. and if the University Committee so requests, all steps to adopt or implement the committee action in question shall be postponed pending consideration by the University Committee and, if the University Committee so decides, by the Faculty Senate.
- The provisions of 6.12.A., 6.12.B. and 6.12.C. do not apply to actions taken by the following committees: Committee on Committees, Divisional Committee Review Council, Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency, Honorary Degrees, Kemper Knapp Bequest, Lectures, Search and Screen, and University Press.
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6.25. Budget Committee.
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (14 seats).
- Four faculty members appointed to four-year terms
- Two academic staff members appointed to four-year terms
- Two university staff members appointed to four-year terms
- Two students, to include both graduate and undergraduate students, appointed to two-year terms.
- Campus budget director, ex officio, nonvoting
- Chancellor or designee, ex officio, nonvoting
- Provost or designee, ex officio, nonvoting
- Vice chancellor for finance and administration or designee, ex officio, nonvoting
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the University Committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: There may only be one representative per school, college, or division from each group. No department/unit will have more than one member on the committee. The shared governance secretaries and student shared governance coordinator will confer to address any departmental or other diversity concerns prior to finalization of the committee roster and at the time of selecting replacement members. In addition, committee members shall be chosen who have experience with, expertise on, or demonstrated interest in learning about and becoming a campus resource about budgetary matters. The faculty chair of the committee will serve on the Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency.
- Functions.
- Advises and makes recommendations to the chancellor, the provost, and the vice chancellor for finance and administration on institutional budget issues, including matters of compensation and economic benefits for all employees, long-range financial strategies, state biennial budget proposals, and allocations to schools, colleges, and divisions.
- Advises the shared governance executive committees on issues of budgetary impact and the public position to be taken on budgetary issues.
- Meets regularly with vice chancellor for finance and administration.
- Serves as a resource for schools/colleges, departments, and others on matters related to the budget.
- Consults with and advises other committees, such as school/college academic planning councils and campus planning committees, relating to institutional-level budgetary matters. The committee may also recommend the creation of ad hoc committees on budget-related matters.
- Reports to the Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Assembly, University Staff Congress, ASM Student Council, and their respective executive committees upon request.
Members on this committee are expected to become knowledgeable resources on the campus budget. Meetings are expected to be monthly or as needed. Some meetings, especially at the beginning of the academic year, may be significantly longer to allow time for understanding the structure of the budget and the process by which it is constructed and finalized.
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6.26. Athletic Board.
Faculty members are appointed by the University Committee; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system. All faculty, academic staff, university staff, and alumni appointments shall be approved by the chancellor.
- Membership (24 seats).
- Twelve faculty members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Two university staff members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Four alumni members appointed for 4-year, non-renewable terms who shall be appointed by the Wisconsin Alumni Association after consultation with the chancellor and the chair of the Athletic Board.
- Three student members appointed for 1-year terms. Two of these seats shall be held by students selected by the organization representing UW–Madison students; one shall be shared by two students elected by the organization representing UW–Madison student athletes. Of the two student athletes, one shall be a member of a women’s team and one a member of a men’s team.
- One representative of the Division of Recreational Sports, nonvoting.
- Faculty athletic representatives (FARs) whose board terms have ended, ex officio, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be appointed by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to A.1.
Other membership notes: Each voting member of the board shall have one vote each. Faculty members of the Athletic Board performing extraordinary responsibilities may be appointed on an annual basis beyond two four-year terms. A faculty, academic staff, or university staff member who takes a leave of one year or less during a four-year term may serve out the remainder of their term, if any, upon returning to university service.
Faculty athletic representatives (FARs): The FARs to the NCAA, the Big Ten and the Western Collegiate Hockey Association (WCHA) shall be appointed by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to A.1. FARs and WCHA representatives who have served two board terms but are performing extraordinary responsibilities may be reappointed as FARs/WCHA representatives on an annual basis by the chancellor, in consultation with the University Committee, and if so appointed, shall serve as non-voting ex officio members of the board.
- Functions. The Athletic Board exercises the authority of the faculty over intercollegiate athletics, subject to the review, direction and control of the Faculty Senate and of the faculty itself. The Athletic Board has the responsibility and authority to take all action appropriate to the supervision of the intercollegiate athletic program, including but not limited to the following:
- Establishes and implements academic and other eligibility standards for recruitment of student athletes.
- Establishes and implements academic standards, such as grade point and class attendance, and other requirements for participation in intercollegiate athletics;
- Oversees the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics’ systems for providing student athletes with academic services, and monitors the academic progress of student athletes;
- Establishes and implements policies on equity and nondiscrimination;
- Reviews and approves schedules for athletic events, including participation in all postseason events;
- Participates actively in the search-and-screen process for head coaches and senior departmental administrators; approves the employment contracts of such persons. The board initiates personnel recommendations, which are subject to the approval of the chancellor and the Board of Regents; if such recommendations are disapproved, the authority to make further recommendations reverts to the Athletic Board;
- Sets criteria to be applied in evaluating the performance of Division of Intercollegiate Athletic staff; reviewing and approving the evaluations of head coaches and senior departmental administrators and approving their contract renewals;
- Approves awards and prizes;
- Sets policy for and approval of uses of Division of Intercollegiate Athletic facilities;
- Participates actively in the development of fiscally responsible departmental budgets and approves them for recommendation to the chancellor;
- Approves prices and policies for tickets for Division of Intercollegiate Athletic events;
- Monitors compliance with all rules and regulations of the NCAA, Big Ten and WCHA; reviews and approves petitions to the NCAA, Big Ten, and WCHA; takes appropriate action on proposed legislation by the NCAA, Big Ten and WCHA; certifies to the NCAA, Big Ten and WCHA compliance with their eligibility requirements.
- Reports to the Faculty Senate and the University Committee.
- The board shall report any proposed changes in Athletic Board policies and procedures and any contemplated action that would be an exception to board policies and procedures to the University Committee and the chancellor.
- If a matter has been reported to the University Committee as provided above, and if the University Committee so requests, the board shall postpone action or implementation relating to the matter pending consideration and action by the University Committee and, if the University Committee so decides, by the Faculty Senate.
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6.27. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee.
Short Name: CDCC
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (22 seats).
- Four faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Four academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Four university staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One postdoctoral scholar (research associate, postdoctoral fellow, or postdoctoral trainee), appointed by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies for a 1-year term.
- Four student members appointed for 1-year terms.
- Two members representing community interests beyond campus appointed by the chancellor.
- Two members representing community and/or alumni interests appointed by the Wisconsin Alumni Association.
- Chief Diversity Officer, ex officio, nonvoting.
Chair: The committee shall elect two co-chairs. One co-chair shall be elected from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The second co-chair shall be elected among the other shared governance groups appointed pursuant to Section A.2, A.3, and A.5.
- Functions.
- This shared governance body advises the administration, faculty, staff, and students on campus diversity and climate, which as noted in the UW–Madison Institutional Statement on Diversity, is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for this campus. The CDCC values the contributions of each person and respects the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. As part of that community, the CDCC is committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.
- Works collaboratively with and advises the Chief Diversity Officer to provide direction and accountability for the implementation of university diversity plans.
- Provides for faculty, staff and student participation in long-range planning and serves as a gateway of information to and from shared governance communities.
- Reviews campus committees pursuing discrimination goals regarding missions and coordination.
- Meets with campus leadership to discuss policy and progress on climate and diversity.
- Works with the Chief Diversity Officer to plan the annual campus-wide policy and progress forum.
- Makes policy recommendations.
- Reports annually to the Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Assembly, University Staff Congress, and the current student governance body.
- Provides updated reports to all shared governance groups of the students, staff, faculty, and to the general public.
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6.28. Campus Planning Committee.
Short Name: CPC
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance systems.
- Membership (22 seats).
- Seven faculty members, one from each faculty division, one representing environmental concerns, and two at-large, appointed for 4-year terms.
- Director of the Arboretum or designee.
- Chancellor or designee.
- Three deans appointed by the chancellor for 1-year terms.
- One academic staff member for a 1-year term.
- One university staff member for a 4-year term.
- One student member appointed for a 1-year term.
- One non-voting member representing each of the following committees, from among its current or recent past membership:
- Campus Transportation Committee
- Committee for Women in the University
- Information Technology Committee
- Recreational and Wellbeing Advisory Board
- University Libraries Committee
- Associate vice chancellor for facilities planning and management, ex officio, nonvoting.
- Representative of the Space and Remodeling Policies Committee, nonvoting.
Chair: The chancellor or designee shall chair the committee.
- Functions. The committee shall advise the chancellor on long-range development plans, building priorities site selection, and aesthetic criteria, regarding facilities for research, instruction, recreation, parking and transportation, and other university functions.
- Procedures. The procedures followed by the committee shall include the following: If the committee is considering a site for new construction or significant change in use of an existing facility, all departments and programs located in close proximity to the site or facility shall be informed of this consideration in a timely fashion so that there will be a reasonable opportunity to address the committee.
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6.30. Campus Transportation Committee.
Short name: CTC
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (15 seats).
- Three faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Three academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Three student members appointed for 1-year terms.
- Three university staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One member representing the administration. This member shall be appointed by the chancellor and confirmed annually.
- One nonvoting member representing the Transportation Services Office and one nonvoting member representing the Division of Facilities Planning and Management. These members will be appointed by the chancellor and will be confirmed annually.
Chair: The chair will be elected by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: One member representing the committee (selected from among current or recent past membership) will serve on the Campus Planning Committee.
- Functions.
- Provides advice and recommendations to the administration and all governance bodies on policies and budgetary matters, including rates, relating to all aspects of pedestrian and motorized and nonmotorized vehicular transportation and parking on the campus.
- Interprets policies related to transportation and parking adopted by governance bodies.
- Ensures appropriate consultation of governance bodies regarding proposed changes in any policies.
- Initiates and recommends projects for addressing campus transportation needs including projects to enhance pedestrian, bicycle, bus, and automobile access to the campus. Such recommendations are to be considered in detail by the Division of Facilities Planning and Management, or other appropriate divisions of the university, and the Campus Planning Committee.
- Provides representation on all building committees for projects that include or affect transportation facilities.
- Creates subcommittees to address issues related to particular aspects of the campus transportation system. (The Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee was formally attached to the Campus Transportation Committee [CTC] by senate action, and is chaired by a member of the CTC.)
- Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee.
- Membership (4 seats).
- One faculty member selected by and from the Campus Transportation Committee (CTC)
- One academic staff member selected by and from the CTC
- One university staff member selected by and from the CTC
- One student member selected by and from the CTC
Subcommittee chair: The subcommittee chair shall be chosen by the subcommittee from among the members appointed pursuant to section C.1
- Functions. The Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee advises the Campus Transportation Committee, the administration, and staff on programs and policies pertaining to the development of bicycle and pedestrian ways and their associated facilities. The subcommittee encourages transportation to campus and on campus by bicycle, public transit, and walking. The encouragement takes the form of promoting safety, convenience, and economy of these modes.
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6.31. Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion.
Short name: CDAI
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system. Postdoctoral scholar members are appointed by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies.
- Membership (16 seats).
- Three faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Three academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Two university staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One postdoctoral scholar (research associate, postdoctoral fellow, or postdoctoral trainee) appointed for a 1-year term.
- Two student members appointed for 1-year terms: one undergraduate student and one graduate or professional school student.
- ADA coordinator, ex officio, voting.
- McBurney Disability Resource Center director, ex officio, voting.
- Office for Equity and Diversity disability coordinator/employment, ex officio, voting.
- Facilities Planning and Management accessibility specialist, ex officio, voting.
- Digital Technology Accessibility Program director, ex officio, voting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint a faculty member, an academic staff member, a university staff member, a postdoctoral scholar member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and A.5 to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: Each committee member will serve on the main committee and at least one subcommittee.
The committee relies on the expertise of a variety of offices that work in the area of access and accommodation, including but not limited by enumeration to: Athletics; Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement; Division of Student Life; Libraries; Office of Admissions and Recruitment; Office of Human Resources; Office of Legal Affairs; Office of Strategic Communication; Recreational Sports; Teaching Academy; Transportation Services; Undergraduate Advising; University Health Services; University Housing; Vice Chancellor for Research; Graduate School; Wisconsin Union.
- Functions.
- Advise the University ADA Coordinator and relevant institutional units with primary responsibility for ADA compliance, and support their work to ensure the policies, programs, and services of the institution are accessible for students, employees, and guests of the university who have disabilities.
- Guide or contribute to assessment outcomes leading to improvements in the campus experience.
- Promote educational activities that support an inclusive campus community and compliance with laws relating to individuals with disabilities.
- Review applicable policies and practices. Recommend new policies, practices, or changes to existing policies or practices to campus governance bodies or institutional leaders, as appropriate.
- Lead and/or participate in university initiatives designed to measure campus climate, increase the diversity of the campus community, and improve the experiences of people with disabilities.
- Subcommittee on Instructional Access.
Instructional access includes but is not limited to classroom, laboratory, internship, externship, study abroad and field experiences; admission and application processes; grading; curriculum requirements.
- Membership:
- faculty (co-chair)
- One academic staff
- One student
- McBurney Director (co-chair)
- Division of Student Life representative
- Digital Technology Accessibility (Associate) Director
- Libraries representative
- Office of Admissions and Recruitment representative
- Teaching Academy representative
- University Health Services representative
Other membership notes: A faculty, academic staff or student member of the subcommittee will serve as a liaison to the vice chancellor for research and the dean of the Graduate School.
- Functions
- Review policies and procedures and recommend changes to ensure the instructional environment is accessible to students with disabilities.
- Develop and/or recommend best practices and training for instructors on accessible and inclusive instructional design.
- Subcommittee on Employment Access.
Employment Access includes but is not limited to matters concerning the recruitment and retention of employees with disabilities, policies regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations in the workplace, and education and training regarding workforce members with disabilities.
- Membership:
- One faculty (co-chair)
- One academic staff
- One university staff
- Office for Equity and Diversity Disability Coordinator/Employment (co-chair)
- Facilities, Planning and Management Accessibility Specialist
- Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement representative
- Office of Human Resources representative
- Office of Legal Affairs representative
- UW Marketing representative
- Subcommittee on Physical and Digital Access.
Physical and technology access includes but is not limited to ensuring that the physical and digital environment and processes that underlie these environments (i.e., procurement, training, utilization policies, etc.) are accessible to students, employees, and visitors with disabilities.
- Membership:
- One faculty (co-chair)
- One academic staff
- One university staff
- One student
- McBurney Disability Resource Director or designee
- Facilities, Planning and Management Accessibility Specialist
- Digital Technology Accessibility (Associate) Director (co-chair)
- Libraries representative
- Recreational Sports representative
- Athletics representative
- Transportation Services representative
- Housing representative
- Wisconsin Union representative
- UW Marketing representative
- UWPD representative
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6.32. Committee on Committees.
Faculty members are both appointed by the University Committee and elected by the faculty at-large from a slate prepared by the University Committee.
- Membership (10 seats).
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, elected for 4-year terms.
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, appointed for 4-year terms.
- Two faculty members appointed by and from the University Committee for 1-year terms.
Chair: The chair shall be elected from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1 and A.2; a co-chair may also be elected.
- Functions.
- In accordance with 6.02.A., appoints faculty members of Chapter 6 committees unless other provision for selection is made.
- Appoints chairs of appointed Chapter 6 committees after such consultation with the chancellor or provost as may be appropriate.
- In accordance with 6.06.C., nominates two faculty members for each place seat to be filled by faculty election on an elected Chapter 6 committee. Its nominees shall be announced at a meeting of the senate in February. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at that meeting. The election shall be held as specified in 6.06.
- With the assistance of the secretary of the faculty, maintains a record of each faculty member’s service in governance and other information relevant to the selection of faculty for committee service and other governance responsibilities.
- The Committee on Committees members from the University Committee shall not participate in the selection of the nominees for the University Committee.
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6.36. Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency.
Faculty members are appointed by the divisional committees and by the University Committee.
- Membership (7 seats).
- Four faculty members, one appointed by and from each of the four divisional executive committees for 1-year terms.
- Two faculty members appointed by and from the University Committee for 1-year terms.
- Faculty chair of the Budget Committee.
Chair: The chair shall be appointed by the University Committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1.
- Functions. The committee shall function as specified in UWS 5.04 through 5.06, and Chapter 10 of these rules.
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6.38. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, Committee on.
Short name: CFRR
Membership (9 seats).
Faculty are elected by the faculty at-large from a slate prepared by the Committee on Committees.
Nine faculty members elected by the faculty at large for 3-year terms. At least one and no more than three members shall be from a single division.
Chair: At the end of each academic year, the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities shall elect a chair and associate chair for the following year from among its members.
- Functions.
- Deals with allegations of faculty misconduct referred to it by the vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost and makes recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9.
- Serves as the review committee on nonrenewal decisions. It shall function in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 and UWS 3.08.
- Serves as the hearing committee in cases of layoff due to financial emergency (as defined in UWS 5.02). It shall function in accordance with the provisions of UWS 5.12 and 5.13 and Chapter 10 of these rules.
- Serves as the hearing committee in dismissal cases. It shall function in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9.
- Disqualifications.
- In addition to the provisions in UWS 4.06, members of the committee may disqualify themselves from participation in any hearing because of a conflict of interest or because of unavailability for the duration of the case before it.
- If any members of the committee disqualify themselves, or are disqualified, the University Committee shall select replacements for that particular hearing from among members of the university faculty, except when the disqualifications have occurred after the hearing has commenced. Any such disqualification does not create a vacancy on the committee, but the replacement member(s) shall sit on the committee until termination of the case.
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6.40. LGBTQ+ Committee.
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system. Postdoctoral scholar members are appointed by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies.
- Membership (17 seats).
- Five faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Two university staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One postdoctoral scholar (research associate, postdoctoral fellow, postdoctoral trainee) appointed for a 1-year term.
- Three student members appointed for 1-year terms: one graduate student and two undergraduate students.
- Representative appointed by the chief diversity officer, ex officio, voting.
- Designee from the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center appointed by the vice chancellor for student affairs, ex officio, voting.
- Director of the LGBTQ+ Studies certificate or designee, ex officio, voting.
- Representative from the Office of Human Resources with expertise in LGBTQ+ recruitment and retention matters appointed by the chief human resources officer, ex officio, voting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint a faculty member, an academic staff member, a university staff member, a postdoctoral scholar, or a student appointed pursuant to A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 and A.5 to serve as co-chair.
- Functions.
- Recommends to administrative offices and governance bodies changes in university priorities, policies, practices, and programs that advance equity and diversity across the spectrum of gender identity and expression and sexual orientation.
- Consults and collaborates with administrative offices and governance bodies to advocate for an inclusive and respectful campus climate and culture for faculty, staff, and students across the spectrum of gender identity and expression and sexual orientation.
- Evaluates and monitors the status of LGBTQ+ members of the university community.
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6.41. Honorary Degrees, Committee on.
Short Name: CHD
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees, and other members are appointed by the chancellor and the UW System president. Appointment terms will begin in January and run through December.
- Membership (15 seats).
- The president of the University of Wisconsin System, or their designee.
- The chancellor or designee.
- Five members appointed by the chancellor for terms of one year each, either from the faculty, or from among the deans or other administrators of the schools or colleges.
- Eight faculty members, two from each faculty division, appointed for four-year terms.
Chair: The University Committee will appoint a chair, in consultation with the chancellor.
- Functions.
- Nominates candidates for honorary degrees from the university.
- Reviews and recommends changes to honorary degree policies and procedures.
- Procedures.
- Honorary degree candidates shall be presented to the Faculty Senate in executive session for a vote. A three-fourths affirmative vote is required to approve each honorary degree candidate.
- Prior to public announcement by the administration, all matters relating to honorary degrees are confidential.
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6.42. Information Technology Committee.
Short name: ITC
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups
- Membership (25 seats).
- Ten faculty members, two from each faculty division and two at-large faculty members appointed for four-year terms.
- Three academic staff members appointed for four-year terms. No member of the Division of Information Technology staff may serve as a voting member of the committee.
- Three university staff members appointed for four-year terms. No member of the Division of Information Technology staff may serve as a voting member of the committee.
- Three students appointed for one-year terms. At least one of whom will be an undergraduate student and at least one a graduate student.
- Chief Information Officer, ex officio nonvoting.
- One nonvoting member representing the director of the university General Library System, two nonvoting members representing the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, and two nonvoting members representing the provost. These members will be appointed by the provost and will be confirmed annually.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1.
Other membership notes: One member representing the committee (selected from among current or recent past membership) will serve on the Campus Planning Committee.
- Functions. The Information Technology Committee is the shared governance advisory body for policy and planning for information technology throughout the university. In performing its functions, it shall consult with such groups and individuals as it feels may be able to provide valuable advice. It may request such reports on budgets, personnel policies, and other topics as are necessary for it to make informed judgments and recommendations. It shall establish such subcommittees as are necessary to carry out its functions.
- Reviews and makes recommendations on strategic planning for the university’s information technology resources.
- Reviews the performance of information technology facilities and services in supporting and assisting scholarly activities.
- Receives reports from and provides general direction to committees formed to address specific information technology issues.
- Monitors technical developments.
- Consults with and advises appropriate administrative officers on budget and resource allocation matters including charges and funding sources for information technology services.
- Receives recommendations from departments, deans, and the Division of Information Technology regarding the establishment, abolition or merger of information technology services and facilities supported by university funds, and makes recommendations regarding these actions to the appropriate administrative officers.
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6.43. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee.
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees.
- Membership (5 seats).
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, appointed for 4-year terms.
- The chancellor or designee.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed as pursuant to Section A.1.
- Functions. Carries out the provisions of the will of the late Kemper K. Knapp.
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6.44. Lectures Committee.
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (7 seats).
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, appointed for 4-year terms.
- One academic staff member appointed for a 3-year term.
- One student member appointed for a 1-year term.
- One academic dean, appointed by the provost.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1.
- Functions.
- Considers requests for lectures of general interest that are not primarily supplementary to or extensions of programs of instruction provided by colleges, schools, or departments. Application for lectures within the jurisdiction of the committee may be made by departments or other groups of faculty members.
- Recommends annually to the chancellor a budget for its activities.
- Exercises such control over the announcement of lectures as it deems necessary and desirable.
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6.46. University Libraries Committee.
Short name: ULC.
Faculty members are elected by the faculty at-large from a slate prepared by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (23 seats).
- Eight faculty members, two from each faculty division, elected to 4-year terms. Two faculty members should be elected each year.
- Two academic staff members appointed for 4-year terms. No member of the library staff may serve as a voting member of the committee.
- Two university staff members appointed for 4-year terms. No member of the library staff may serve as a voting member of the committee.
- Three student members, at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate student and at least one a graduate student, appointed for 1-year terms.
- Four library staff members, nonvoting: the vice provost for libraries/university librarian, ex officio; one other member of the chancellor’s Library Coordinating Council, elected by the council to serve a 2-year term which shall rotate among its members; two libraries staff members, elected by libraries staff members to serve 2-year terms, one of whom shall be elected each year.
- Two members appointed by the provost, nonvoting: one member from the Madison Budget Office and one member representing the provost.
- University archivist or designee, nonvoting.
- One member representing the Library Resources Committee for the Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair will be elected by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: One member representing the committee (selected from among current or recent past membership) will serve on the Campus Planning Committee.
- Functions.
- Reviews and makes recommendations to the Vice Provost for Libraries and the Libraries Administration on long range planning for the university’s library resources.
- Annually reports to the Faculty Senate on the activities of the committee and the performance of the Libraries in supporting and assisting scholarly activities.
- Advises the Vice Provost for Libraries and libraries administration on budgetary matters related to library resources.
- Represents faculty, staff, students, and university administration regarding libraries’ policies, services, programs, technologies, and resources.
- Advises on the appointment of faculty members to search and screen committees for the senior administrative appointments within the University Libraries.
- Advises the University Libraries on the preservation of university history and the management of, use of, and access to university archives and records.
- Library Resources Committee for the Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities.
Short name: LRC-ASH
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (12 seats).
- Four faculty members appointed for staggered 3-year terms. Members should be drawn from faculty in the arts, humanities, and social sciences with no more than one from any degree-granting unit.
- Two graduate students appointed for 1-year or 2-year terms. Members should be drawn from graduate programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
- One undergraduate student appointed for a 1-year or 2-year term. Members should be drawn from graduate programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
- The associate vice chancellor for research in the arts & humanities, ex officio, non-voting.
- The vice provost for libraries and university librarian or designee, ex officio, non-voting.
- Three General Library System staff, non-voting. Members should include library staff responsible for aspects of collection development and strategy, access to collections, and arts, social sciences, and humanities (ASH) research support. Staff are selected by the vice provost for libraries and university librarian.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section C.1.
Other membership notes: One member of the committee will be selected to serve on the University Libraries Committee as a non-voting member.
- Functions. The Library Resources Committee for the Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities advises the libraries and the University Library Committee about research needs specific and unique to scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, who depend upon access to the deep and rich holdings of campus libraries. The committee consults with library administration and staff about the specific and unique research needs of scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
- Advises library administration on issues connected to collection development and strategy, access to collections, and research support for the arts, humanities, social sciences, and general reference.
- Receives regular reports from library administration on issues related to collection development and strategy, access to collections, and research support for the ASH disciplines and general reference.
- Engages with faculty, staff, and students in the ASH disciplines on issues related to collection development and strategy, access to collections, research support, and general reference.
- Presents an annual report for the Faculty Senate.
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6.47. Officer Education Committee.
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees.
- Membership (9-13 seats).
- Eight faculty members, appointed for 3-year terms; one of these will serve as the director of the Officer Education Program.
- The provost or designee.
- The senior officers of the ROTC units (Officer Education Program), ex officio, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1.
- Functions. Recommends policy relating to the Officer Education Program.
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6.48. Recreation and Wellbeing Advisory Board.
Short name: Rec Well Board.
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (16 seats).
- Three faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Two academic staff members for 3-year terms.
- Two university staff members for 3-year terms;
- Seven student members for 1-year terms.
- Director of the Division of Recreational Sports, ex officio nonvoting.
- Representative of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, ex officio, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: One member representing the committee (selected from among current or recent past membership) will serve on the Campus Planning Committee.
- Functions.
- Provides input and makes recommendations to the Director of Rec Well, and other administrative offices as appropriate, on the development, programming, staffing, maintenance, and financing of Rec Well facilities.
- Monitors, reviews, and evaluates university services provided by Rec Well, or activities that employ Rec Well facilities that originate from entities external to Rec Well, which may include outside review of membership and rate card pricing.
- Participates actively in the development of fiscally responsible Rec Well budget and approves it for recommendation to the chancellor. The involvement of at least one student member is required in this function.
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6.50. Retirement Issues Committee.
Short name: RIC
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff and university staff are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (14 seats).
- Three faculty members appointed for three-year terms.
- Three academic staff members appointed for three-year terms.
- Three university staff members appointed for three-year terms.
- Five retired members appointed by the UW–Madison Retirement Association for one-year terms.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to A.1. Academic staff and university staff appointed pursuant to A.2. and A.3. may be appointed to serve as co-chair.
- Functions.
- Review and make recommendations on university services relating to retirees.
- Review and make recommendations on services relating to retirement planning.
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6.51. Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid, Committee on.
Short name: CURAFA
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (18 seats).
- Six faculty members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Two university staff members appointed for 4-year terms.
- Four students appointed for 1-year terms.
- The Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, ex officio nonvoting.
- The Director of Financial Aid, ex officio nonvoting.
- The Director of Admissions, ex officio nonvoting
- The Chief Diversity Officer or designee, ex officio nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
- Functions.
- Advises and makes recommendations to the Division of Enrollment Management, and other administrative offices as appropriate, on all policies, procedures, and operations related to undergraduate recruitment, admissions and financial aid.
- Monitors, reviews, and evaluates new policies and procedures, as well as formulation, substantive modification, implementation, and outcomes of university policies and procedures related to undergraduate recruitment, admissions, and financial aid.
- Reports annually to the official governance bodies representing the faculty, academic staff, university staff, and students.
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6.52. University Academic Planning Council.
Short name: UAPC
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees and the University Committee; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (16 seats).
- The chancellor
- The provost
- The dean of the Graduate School
- One administrative member selected by the provost, confirmed annually
- One member of the University Committee from among its current members selected annually
- One member of the Academic Staff Executive Committee from among its current members selected annually
- One member of the University Staff Central Committee from among its current members selected annually
Eight faculty members, two from each faculty division, appointed for four-year terms.
- One student member appointed for a one-year term nonvoting.
Chair: The provost shall chair the council.
- Functions.
- Advises the chancellor and provost on major program decisions, long-term academic plans, and associated campus development and budgetary policies.
- Addresses university academic issues and provides for faculty participation in long-range planning, and as such
- Oversees the long-range planning process for the academic programs of the university.
- Reviews progress on and initiates selective updates of the recommendations of major planning exercises and documents.
- Identifies and initiates studies of academic issues crossing school and college lines.
- Assures that appropriate review and consideration is given to requests for new programs; the implementation of proposals for new majors, degrees, degree name changes, departments, schools, or colleges; recommendations concerning the establishment or discontinuation of departments; and academic program evaluation. (See 5.01.A.) As part of this function it
- Assumes responsibility for review and approval of programs as required by statute.
- Following the appropriate college, school, or divisional actions, reviews and approves the titles of degrees.
- Oversees and updates program review procedures, procedures for the evaluation and approval of new program proposals, and the university’s overall assessment strategy.
- Assigns the responsibility for reviews of existing programs and new program proposals to the appropriate school, college, or divisional academic planning council.
- Advises the Campus Planning Committee on the impact of academic priorities on the campus physical development plans.
- Structure. The council shall, within six months of its establishment in accord with section A, inform the University Committee and senate of the structure and mechanisms it has established to provide for the functions specified in section B. The council may create subcommittees as needed. Subcommittees must have a faculty majority and may include members who are not members of the council. The University Committee and senate shall be informed of any changes in the structure of the council or the mechanisms it establishes.
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6.53. University Curriculum Committee.
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff members are appointed by the Academic Staff Nominating Committee.
Membership (12 members).
The Committee on Committees and the Academic Staff Nominating Committee shall coordinate so that no department has more than one member on the committee.
- Two faculty members from each division appointed for three-year terms. The Committee on Committee shall give consideration to appointing members who have recently served on their college or school curriculum committee.
- Four academic staff members with instructional titles appointed for three-year terms. The Academic Staff Nominating Committee shall give consideration to appointing members who teach or have taught more than one different course.
- Functions.
- Approves courses. Proposals for new credit courses, or for modifications of or discontinuation of existing credit courses, shall be approved by the department (or department-like body), then by the school or college, and finally by the University Curriculum Committee.
- Review of course offerings. The University Curriculum Committee may review and recommend the alteration or discontinuance of existing credit courses, and the establishment of new courses.
- Advice on educational policy and planning. On its own initiative or on request, the University Curriculum Committee may advise the chancellor, provost, deans, or other administrative officers of the university on educational policy and planning and their implementation.
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6.54. The University Committee.
Short name: UC
Faculty are elected by the faculty at-large from a slate prepared by the Committee on Committees.
- Membership (6 seats). Six faculty members elected by the faculty-at-large for three-year terms. No more than three members of the University Committee shall be from a single school or college, and at least one member shall be from each division.
- Functions.
- Considers questions concerning the educational interests or policies of the university.
- On its own initiative, makes studies and recommendations to the faculty or administration concerning educational policy. The administration is encouraged to ask the University Committee for advice. The University Committee may give advice directly to the administration, or refer a matter to the faculty for discussion.
- Advises on procedures that involve the faculty in making decisions on the organization or reorganization of interdepartmental or interdisciplinary programs of instruction, research, and service, or the creation of new colleges, schools, or institutes involving significant educational programs.
- Examines any actions taken relating to the university by the Board of Regents, the Board of Visitors, the various faculties or faculty committees, or by other bodies or individuals related to the university.
- Consults with appropriate administrative officers on budget matters and reports thereon to the faculty.
- Makes recommendations to improve faculty compensation and economic benefits to the faculty or (with the approval of the Faculty Senate) to the administration; may also make such recommendations (with the approval of the Faculty Senate and in coordination with PROFS) to the Board of Regents, the governor, and the legislature. May prepare studies of faculty economic needs and desires (or delegate preparation of such studies) to inform its recommendations concerning faculty compensation and economic benefits. Matters of governance, including decisions affecting individual faculty concerning recruitment, retention, promotion, merit increases, and workloads, are reserved to the department, school and college faculties.
- Prepares the agenda for committee-of-the-whole discussion or consideration of matters of general interest to the faculty.
- Makes timely reports to the faculty on matters completed, pending, or projected.
- Advises on the appointment of faculty members of search and screen committees and on the procedures used by these committees.
- Appoints members of appointed faculty committees after consultation with the chancellor.
- Serves as the faculty’s grievance committee under 8.15. and UWS 6.02, except for matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.
- Serves as the executive committee of the senate, unless the senate elects another executive committee. In preparing the agenda for senate meetings pursuant to 2.08., if an item has been added to the agenda by request of a senator or ten faculty members, and if the University Committee believes that there is substantial doubt on whether the item falls within the purview of faculty governance as defined in Chapter 1.20. of this document, the following statement shall be printed in the agenda immediately preceding the item itself: “Although the University Committee doubts whether the following agenda item falls within the purview of faculty governance, it has been placed on the agenda so that the senate may consider and decide that question.” In such a case, the agenda item shall not be taken up unless the senate by a majority vote determines that it is appropriate for senate consideration.
- Maintains liaison between faculty and other shared governance bodies.
- Receives reports as specified by these rules.
- Performs other functions assigned to it within these rules.
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6.56. Women in the University, Committee for.
Short Name: CWU
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (22 seats).
- Six faculty members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Six academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- Six university staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One graduate student and one undergraduate student appointed for 1-year terms.
- One postdoctoral scholar (research associate, postdoctoral fellow, or postdoctoral trainee), appointed by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies.
- The Chief Diversity Officer and the director of the Office for Equity and Diversity, ex officio, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be elected from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. Any voting member of the committee may be elected to serve as co-chair.
Other membership notes: One member representing the committee (selected from among current or recent past membership) will serve on the Campus Planning Committee.
- Functions.
- Recommends to administrative offices and governance bodies changes in university priorities, policies, practices and programs that would improve the status of women.
- Collaborates and consults with administrative offices and governance bodies to more fully support gender equity, employee engagement, an inclusive and respectful culture, and diversity.
- Evaluates and monitors the status of women employees at the university.
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6.57. Dean of Students Advisory Committee.
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (12 members).
- Four faculty members appointed for three-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for three-year terms.
- Four students appointed for one-year terms.
- The dean of students, ex officio, nonvoting.
- A representative of the administration appointed by the provost, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, and A.3. to serve as co-chair.
- Functions. The Dean of Students Advisory Committee advises the dean of students, the Faculty Senate and the administration on aspects of student life not part of the formal instructional program of the university. The committee:
- Recommends, encourages and evaluates programs and policies that support a positive learning environment and student learning outside the formal instructional program.
- Recommends, encourages and evaluates programs and policies regarding the student social environment including issues of conduct, health and safety, harassment, and substance abuse.
- Studies and makes recommendations regarding student academic and nonacademic misconduct and related policies, rules, and procedures. The committee does not hear or consider whether an existing policy or rule ought to be applied in any individual case.
- Advises the dean of students on organization and priorities for programs under their direction.
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6.59. University Research Council.
Short Name: URC
Faculty members are both appointed by the Committee on Committees and elected by the faculty at-large from a slate prepared by the Committee on Committees; academic staff and university staff members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance systems.
- Membership (22 seats).
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, elected for 3-year terms.
- Four faculty members, one from each faculty division, appointed for 3-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for 3-year terms.
- One university staff member appointed for a 3-year term.
- One University Committee member appointed for a 1-year term.
- The dean of the Graduate School, ex officio, voting.
- The vice Chancellors for research ex officio, non-voting
- The associate vice chancellors for research ex officio, voting.
Chair: The vice chancellor for research shall chair the council.
Other membership notes: Committee members appointed pursuant to sections A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.4 will have representation from across campus with substantial experience in the conduct of research. All committee members are expected to represent the interests of the university community at large. No faculty member serving as a director of a research center administered by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research may serve as a voting member of the committee.
- Functions.
- Advises the vice chancellor for research (VCR) on the overall UW–Madison research enterprise, including, but not limited by enumeration, to:
- Strategic planning to maximize the research productivity of faculty and staff, and to support highly innovative, transformative research.
- Allocation of flexible resources, including resources provided by WARF, such as support of research competitions, matching funds for grants, funding for recruitment and retentions, and honoring research contributions.
- Major campus-wide research programs and issues.
- Compliance processes and committees.
- Approving policies governing five-year reviews for VCR centers to ensure that centers remain at the leading edge of new discoveries. Members of the URC will provide advice to the VCR regarding the outcome of Center reviews.
- Review and approval of the establishment of new, and closing of existing, VCR centers.
- Advises and consults with the Office of Research Compliance, the office of Research Policy and Integrity, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, and other safety and compliance units.
- Receives and processes inquiries and complaints from research investigators, including faculty, staff, employees-in-training, and students, regarding institutional processes, policies, and procedures that adversely impact the conduct of their research, ensuring effective and rapid resolution of problems involving research, safety, and compliance.
- Brings to the attention of the VCR views and opinions of the faculty and staff. In turn, members are responsible for assisting the Office of the VCR in helping to communicate the research resources of the VCR office.
- Advises and counsels the VCR and the chancellor in the formulation of the annual request to the WARF board of trustees. The VCR and chancellor shall routinely seek the advice and counsel of the committee regarding the allocation and disposition of WARF funds. Ensures that the disposition of WARF funds by the university is transparent to the WARF board of directors. The committee, or its individual members, shall be available to the WARF board of trustees, upon request, as direct and independent advisors and as such shall share with the trustees their expertise and insight.
- Creates subcommittees to study specific topics, as needed.
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6.60. Health Care Advisory Committee.
Short Name: HCAC
Faculty members are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and students are appointed by their shared governance groups.
- Membership (18 seats).
- Four faculty members appointed for three-year terms.
- Two academic staff members appointed for three-year terms.
- Two university staff members appointed for three-year terms.
- Seven student members appointed for one-year terms.
- University Health Services executive director, ex officio, nonvoting.
- Two University Health Services leadership members, appointed by the executive director for one-year terms, nonvoting.
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
- Functions.
- To promote and enhance health and community on campus;
- Act as a liaison between students and other members of the university community to identify and address the health care needs of the student population;
- Act as an advisory resource to University Health Services and other members of the university community who are involved in producing and disseminating resources that promote healthy people, families and communities.
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6.61. Immigration and International Issues Committee.
Short name: IIIC
Faculty are appointed by the Committee on Committees; academic staff, university staff, and student members are selected according to procedures established by their shared governance system.
- Membership (17-19 seats):
- Four faculty appointed to three-year terms
- Two academic staff appointed to three-year terms
- Two university staff appointed to three-year terms
- Three students appointed to one-year terms. At least one of whom will be an undergraduate student and at least one a graduate student
- One postdoctoral scholar (research associate, postdoctoral fellow, postdoctoral trainee), appointed by the Office of Postdoctoral Studies for a one-year term
- Vice Provost and Dean of the International Division or designee, ex officio nonvoting
- Director of International Student Services or designee, ex officio nonvoting
- Director of International Faculty & Staff Services or designee, ex officio nonvoting
- Director of the Multicultural Student Center or designee, ex officio nonvoting
- Director of the Immigrant Justice Clinic or designee, ex officio nonvoting
- Up to two community representatives as deemed appropriate by the committee, nonvoting
Chair: The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1. The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint an academic staff member, a university staff member, or a student appointed pursuant to A.2, A.3. and A.4. to serve as co-chair.
- Functions.
- Provides general advice and recommendations to the administration and all governance bodies on immigration and international student and staff issues.
- Considers how immigration policy impacts UW–Madison students, faculty, and staff and then provides guidance to campus leadership, especially offices working with immigration issues.
- Considers how international policies impact UW–Madison students, faculty, and staff and then provides guidance to campus leadership, especially offices working with international issues.
- Appoints subcommittees or working groups to study issues, as appropriate.
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