Program level assessment focuses on what and how an academic program is contributing to the learning and development of students as a group.
The purpose of an academic program assessment plan is to facilitate continuous program level improvement. Program assessment plans provide faculty and instructors with a clear understanding of how the program is assessed (e.g., what is being measured and when, who will collect the data and how the results will be used) with the ultimate goal to foster ongoing and systematic evaluation of student learning. More specifically program assessment plans clearly define the program’s educational mission and the outcomes students are expected to demonstrate as a result of the program. Plans also show the alignment of course curricula to the stated program outcomes, describe how the outcomes will be assessed and outline how results will be used.
At UW–Madison, every academic program – undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and general education – must have an active assessment plan. Quality program assessment plans should:
Current UW–Madison academic program assessment plans are available to view and download in this Google Drive. The plans are organized by school/college with the exception of undergraduate, capstone, and graduate certificates, which are in separate folders. Please contact Regina Lowery,, with any inquiries.
For guidance on developing or refining academic program assessment plans, review the guides, templates and examples below. Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) also provides campus data for the assessment of learning outcomes and for context about undergraduate programs.