The Graduate School expects students to make satisfactory progress toward their degrees by enforcing minimum standards.
Graduate students pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in academic programs under the purview of the Graduate School.
Continuation in the Graduate School is at the discretion of the Graduate School, the student’s program, and the student’s faculty advisor as defined in this policy. A student may be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the Graduate School for not maintaining satisfactory progress. In special cases, the Graduate School permits students who do not meet these minimum standards to continue on probation upon recommendation and support of their advisor.
While the Graduate School sets minimum standards that all graduate students in the university must meet, many departments and programs have additional requirements that exceed the Graduate School’s standards. The definition of satisfactory progress therefore varies by program.
Most programs require satisfactory progress to continue guaranteed funding support.
The Graduate Guide includes the Graduate School’s minimum degree requirements and satisfactory progress chart, as well as each program’s minimum degree requirements and satisfactory progress chart.
In determining satisfactory progress, the Graduate School monitors the following: cumulative grade point average, incomplete grades, English as a second language for some international students, the Five Year Rule, the grades of students admitted on probationary status, enrollment in minimum required credits (underload), and unsatisfactory (U) grades. Detailed information for each is below.
The Graduate School requires students maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater for all graduate courses (excluding research). Some probationary admission conditions may require a greater GPA. When a graduate student’s cumulative GPA drops below 3.00 , the student is placed on academic probation the following term and is notified via email (with a copy to the graduate coordinator). The student will not be allowed to enroll in classes beyond the probationary term until such time final grades for the probationary term are reported, and the student’s cumulative GPA is 3.00 or greater.
The Graduate School considers Incomplete (I) grades to be unsatisfactory if the grades are not resolved during the subsequent semester of enrollment; an instructor may impose an earlier deadline. All incomplete grades must be resolved before a degree is granted. When a graduate student has incomplete grades in three or less credits, the Graduate School issues a warning. The student will not be allowed to enroll in classes in subsequent semesters/terms until such time the incomplete grades are resolved.
International graduate students may be required to take the English as a Second Language Assessment Test (ESLAT) upon arrival at UW-Madison. This requirement applies to the following test scores: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) paper-based test score below 580; TOEFL computer-based test (CBT) score below 237; TOEFL internet-based (iBT) test score below 92; International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score below 7; or Michigan English Test (MET) below 82. The ESLAT is administered by the English as a Second Language Program[ insert hyperlink:]. ESLAT results may indicate that a graduate student is either exempt from taking an ESL course or recommended for enrollment in an ESL course. A graduate student recommended for an ESL course must enroll in the course during their first semester at UW-Madison. The Graduate School monitors the ESL course and prohibits enrollment in subsequent terms until such time the ESL course is successfully completed.
Applicants who do not meet Graduate School admission requirements may be admitted on probation, with recommendation of the program and approval of the dean of the Graduate School. A student admitted on probation will receive an admission letter from the Graduate School, as well as a message in OASIS notifying them of their status. Each student admitted on probation is monitored closely to ensure they earn a 3.00 GPA or greater during their first semester of enrollment. The Graduate School prohibits enrollment in subsequent terms until such time first semester grades are reported, and the GPA is 3.00 or greater.
The Graduate School requires students enroll in a minimum of two graded, graduate-level credits each fall and spring semester. The Graduate School will notify a student who is enrolled in less than two credits that they must correct their enrollment immediately, and are prohibited from registering in subsequent terms until such time they meet the minimum enrollment requirement.
The Graduate School monitors grades of U , which are considered unsatisfactory, and reserves the right to place a graduate student on probation and prohibit registration in future terms until such time the matter is resolved.