The university provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to provide access to university programs and services, including parking. The university provides accessible parking in accordance with the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. UW-Madison Transportation Services is authorized to charge for parking, including accessible parking, under Wis. Stat. § 346.50(2a).
This policy defines the process for faculty, staff, students, and visitors with accessibility needs (temporary or permanent) to park on campus. The cost of reasonable accommodation is covered by the university.
Faculty, staff, students, and visitors with accessibility needs (temporary or permanent).
UW-6109 Afternoon Parking Permits
UW-6111 Annual Parking Permit Application Process
UW-6112 Parking Permit Terms & Conditions
UW-6115 Business Alternate Parking Permits
UW-6120 Department Limited Parking Permits
UW-6121 Department Reserved Parking Stalls
UW-6129 Parking Assignment Waitlists
UW-6136 Transportation Services Payments
UW-6142 Student Parking Permits
UW-6143 Unit Transportation Coordinator
03-01-2003, 12-01-2003, 03-01-2004, 03-01-2005, 03-01-2006, 10-01-2006, 03-01-2011, 04-01-2013, 07-01-2015, 03-01-2018, 02-01-2021, 06-21-2023, 02-09-2024